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"I'm glad we get to take care of y/n-chin again!" The short haired blond said overly excited about having to babysit his little sister (he just treats you like a little sister and calls you that fo shits and giggles) "Mhm, but I thought you didn't...

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"I'm glad we get to take care of y/n-chin again!" The short haired blond said overly excited about having to babysit his little sister (he just treats you like a little sister and calls you that fo shits and giggles)
"Mhm, but I thought you didn't like babysitting her?" The tall blond asked the short one who was carrying the 3 year old girl

"Wah manji" the girl cried out after waking up from her nap "hi y/n-chin! Good nap you had?" The short blond asked while the little girl just nodded her head

"Want me to carry her now mikey?" The boy just handed the little girl to the taller one



From all the yelling the little girl snuggled her head into draken's head more signalling that she's scared by the yelling

Draken can also feel the tears in his neck so he took matters into his own hands and beat the fuckers up one for making the little one cry and two for getting in the way

"Is this his room? Oh it is I see him!" The midget.. Uhm Mikey said joyed that he finally found his new friend

His new friend was scared shitless because he thought Mikey was going to do something to him

"Let's go play takemicchi!:)" the blond haired boy said gleefully the piss haired boy just followed them

Draken was once again busy saying soft words to y/n

While y/n was just smiling and listening to draken's stupid shenanigans

"Look a butterfly y/n-chan" he said pointing at it while making y/n face it

The other two was just watching in awe

But then takemichi looked at his seniors that was beaten up

"What..?" He was of course scared to ask what happened then draken looked at him and answered "they made y/n-chan cry in front of us and was kinda getting in the way."

"O-oh..?" Even more shitless then before but was reassured by y/n who was giving him a thumbs up while smiling at him

"All of you guys line up here and lay down" draken demanded

"E-eh?" But they were too scared so they just did what draken demanded

Then the two stepped on the bodies of the senior while carrying the little one like she's a princess

(Which she is ;))

They started to discuss stuff but y/n got bored and fell asleep

But was woken up at the commotion

"Wha? Hanagaki is buddy-buddy with Mikey?"

"Idiot! You're being too loud"

"We actually have someone that awesome here?!"

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