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"Alright I'll call takemichi" draken said still not used to having y/n with them often while in the gang meeting

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"Alright I'll call takemichi" draken said still not used to having y/n with them often while in the gang meeting

But Mikey said he'll introduce both very special guests but some already knew who y/n was but Mikey was still naming her 'toman's princess'

"Draken-kun?" Takemichi finally answered his phone "takemichi what're you doing right now? " draken asked takemichi so he can inform him

"Huh? Uhm, right now, I'm.."draken didn't even let the poor man finish his sentence

" Well whatever! Come to the musashi shrine on the tama river, we're getting everyone " draken demanded because y/n was getting fussy again

Y/n grabbed the phone and made a fuse screaming and shouting

"Uegaidhiwgs" y/n said whatever she can blabble about

Draken took the phone and ended the call

Again they didn't let the poor man finish his sentence expecting him to come anyways

"Oi mitsuya carry y/n for a while I don't know how to control her temper tantrum" draken said knowing full well mitsuya can handle it very well because he has two sisters to deal with

"It's okay y/n-chan I'll buy you ice cream later if you behave and I'll give you stuff toys with very special stuff filled in the toy! If you want that you better behave :)" he says trying to calm down the toddler

She did calm down but then she pointed at the two toman member somewhat doing something suspicious so mitsuya decided to investigate

"Could it be that you're, takemicchi?" He asked while y/n was just giggling at them

"Why're you threathening the presidents guest?" Mitsuya said while shooing them away

"Yo, takemicchi sorry about calling you out here all of a sudden" Mikey said while smiling and waving to y/n

Y/n wasn't listening (im just lazy to put the thingy and this is about you the reader :) because e I have something planned out very special for the reader because she's been going through this trauma at a very very young age :'))

"K-ken" y/n said mitsuya was surprised because she called for draken she normally calls for the kawata twins, him, hakkai, Mikey or even sanzu guess she grew up to know who her real babysitter was

"K-ken!" She said louder everyone heard her and was as surprise as mitsuya was so mitsuya gave her to draken

"What'd ya' need y/n-chan?" Draken asked getting down the stairs and getting y/n but signalled Mikey to continue the meeting like nothing happened

"N-nap :)" she said with a sleepy yet cheerful tone

"You can sleep y/n-chan you will wake up with wakasa next to you anyways" draken reassured the little one

"W-waka-nii?" Draken just nodded and the little one fell asleep

Draken sat down so y/n can have a comfortable position everyone just stared at awe

But y/n didn't wake up with wakasa by her side instead she got woken up with yelling


".... WAHHHHHHH" they sweat dropped from that

"Great you both woke y/n-chan up" mitsuya said sighing at the commotion

"P-peh-yan?" Y/n said after seeing her 7th favorite "hii y/n-channnn!" Mitsuya just said "don't get close to them y/n-chan you will have jello brain too" everyone laughed then got back into track by the serious matter they were discussing about

-After the meeting-

"Y-y/n ma-ad a-at ma-anji! >:(" the other members just sweat dropped

"WHAT! WHY Y/N CHAN WHAT'D I DO?? :(" Mikey said because he wants to be y/n's favorite

"H-hmp!" She signed angerly while crossing her arms

"I think she's mad you didn't give her any attention lately that's why she likes me and my brother better! Right y/n" said smiley y/n nodded at his statement

Mikey ran after him "YOU TAKE THAT BACK RIGHT NOW SMILEY!" Smiley just replied with "CATCH ME IF YOU CAN YOU FEMALE DOG"

y/n giggled at this
(Chapter was shorter then Mikey tbh)

y/n giggled at this (Chapter was shorter then Mikey tbh)

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words ; 688

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