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HAPPY BIRTHDAY!▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃

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"Tonight, history will be made.. the night that tokyo's greatest gangs assemble.." Izana says his sharp jaws showing, and everyone gathered around him as he walks, looking at him with a straight face not wanting to mess up this moment. 

"Shinjuku's 'onzoku kizoku', kichijoiji's 'ss', Ikebukuro's 'Icbm', Ueno's 'night dust. And other delinquents, gangs, that I have acknowledged.. All of them!" He said with a faint chuckle,

"how disappointing..." he said and kicked a random guy, "are you telling me these guys are the top right now?!" he says a bit annoyed but doesn't show it physically, just in his tone of voice. 

he wiped off of the blood that was on his face and walked towards the gang leader of 'onzuko kizoku' with a smile on his face.

but before Izana can do anything to the guy, kakucho called him making him look at him, "it's already 10 PM." kakucho said calmly, "It looks like toman ain't gonna come." 

Tenjiku 4 heavenly kings, kakucho. 

"Huh. I see.." Izana said and started walking off with closed eyes and another 'smile' on his face.

Tenjiku 4 heavenly kings, Madarame Shion. "Rindou and I dealt with Mitsuya and Smiley" he informed izana with a straight face while sitting down on those big shipping containers. 

Former toman, 5th division captain, current tenjiku executive, Mutou Yasuhiro. "while muchou dealt with the first division" Shion continued.

Kokonoi looked at them, and had bandages all over his face, maybe a few scratches there and then, "You made a wise choice didn't you, kokonoi?" Shion asked with a cocky smirk on his face, while kokonoi just coldly looked at him and didn't say anything.

Hanma and kisaki both looked at each other and nodded, "they're coming." Kisaki said and walked towards izana, "This baboon didn't bring an actual bat and what he did bring is y/n's toy." he said with his hand on his head.

"Great." Izana laughs and looked at them, "this will be challenging." he grinned, "from now on.. tenjiku will slowly rise up to the top... We'll take over the gangs in Tokyo, get involved with the mature under-ground businesses." He declared, feeling confident that this will be their victory.

He looked at them, "It doesn't matter if it's yakuza's or what, we'll destroy anyone who opposes us." Izana said with a faint smile. 

but someone came running up to him and hugged him, "izana-nii!" she giggled and offered him a white stuff toy. 

they were all in awe at the scene y/n displayed, "look! so cute, zana-nii!" she grins and looked at him with her pupils dilated as she was excited to see him. 

izana looked at her and carried her he kissed her forehead and pats her head, taking the stuff toy from her, "thank you, y/n." 

izana went to the top of the shipping containers with y/n and they talked and pointed at the stars, enjoying each other's company, well more like izana listening to y/n talk about how pretty the stars are, he just nods and smiles at the kid.

they heard motor sounds and it didn't bother izana, he was spending time with y/n and was just focused on protecting her. 

"no way..." kakucho mumbled and looked at where the sound was coming from, the old black dragon was with tenjiku. well wakasa and benkei that's it, and the other two was in toman's side, takeomi and shinichiro. 

two crybabies on tomans side.. what will happen



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12 ⏰

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