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"Taka-chan.." the said boy looked at hakkai and respond with a small 'huh?'

"maybe... it's not a good idea to.. talk to taiju about this.. and to put it sort of nicely.. he's a piece of shit. maybe not to y/n but to us" hakkai said as mitsuya was surprised and said 

"would you stop? you always try to handle everything by yourself.. by the way.. why are they tagging along?" asked mitsuya while eyeing the two behind them 

"What? I was there when it happened..." takemichi said as he tried to convince mitsuya to let them come 

"..I'm keeping an eye on him.. he's a dumbass and a moron :)" said chifuyu pointing innocently to takemichi 

then they started fighting 

"eh... oh well." grinned mitsuya while they approach the shiba house hold 


"You're the mitsuya fucker who's been manipulating my little bro!" taiju yelled at mitsuya

"Nice to meet you to.. taiju-kun.. and that's quite the accusation " mitsuya sarcastically greeted taiju while smiling slightly 

"I'll kill your ass" taiju said calmly? I don't think he was calm though 

"so what do you wanna tell me? you better keep it short" taiju said as he was starting to lose patient 

"I'll give hakkai to the black dragons.. I'm not gonna see him again..." mitsuya said as calmly as he possible could 

"WHAT? you can't be serious mitsuya-kun!" takemichi interrupted 

"HAHA. now that's funny! didn't you come her to stop that from happening?" laughed taiju while doing his quirky face again 

"In exchange... set yuzuha free." mitsuya tried offering taiju 

"taka-chan.. why are you..?" hakkai said as he was kind of getting worried? that's what the energy he's giving... 

"taiju-kun... you're having yuzuha do something.. aren't you? hakkai's been protecting yuzuha this whole time.. from your domestic violence.." mitsuya said seriously and glaring at taiju 

"what a fucking joke!" grinned taiju as he knows what been happening because he's the one doing it.. 

"hakkai's not leaving toman because he's scared of you, he's leaving to protect yuzuha" mitsuya said as he was shocked to see taiju's fist going near him 

but he blocked it

slay ig 


"hey! not bad!" grinned taiju 


-time skip because yuh- 

"nii-chan?" y/n said as she was brought back to the imaushi household by draken and mikey 

"oh y/n" wakasa said as he picked his little sister up and brought her to the living room to watch Sanrio (I'm in my sanrio phase idk if you haven't noticed... by the headers in the few chapters... or maybe you missed it... idk) 

"NII-CHANNNN I WANT SNACKS!" y/n said as she keeps punching wakasa but her punches was not giving 

"you have snacks though..." wakasa said wanting to sleep 

"YOU ATE IT ALL!!" the girl was ready to cry because she wants to eat snacks like what hello kitty was doing 

"uhm... you can try calling someone to maybe buy them for you.. you do have a lot of uhm people who spoils you.. I do to but I wanna sleep" wakasa said kissing the top of y/n's head 

"bleh. mean nii-chan" y/n said as she was sticking her tongue 

wakasa just ignored her and gave her his phone for her to call a gang member or someone to get her that damn snacks of hers 

ring after ring they weren't picking up the phone

so y/n threw her brothers phone

and started crying because of frustration

 (I do that I legit cry when I'm angry who else cries when they're angry?)

"what the hell? why'd you do that?" wakasa asked his crying sister

"they won't answer!" the crying girl said 

"what did I do to deserve this?" the oldest imaushi said with a sigh in the beginning 

"okay stop crying we'll buy your snacks..." 

"YEY! I want hello kitty ones!" she started pulling her brother to the door 

while he was idk.. wakasa is just doing wakasa 


"woah nii-chan look! a slide!" y/n yelled while gripping into her brothers shirt 

"yeah.. wait isn't that like manjiro's gang uniform?" wakasa said as he was carrying loads of snacks they got 

I mean.. y/n got 

wakasa was getting a weird ahh snack y/n smacked it out of his hands and put it back 

wakasa couldn't do anything 'bout it 

"yeah.. it's fuyu-nii!! do you think he was waiting for me to play??" 

"I mean.. do you wanna go with them?"

"yeah! come!" y/n said as she was pulling her brothers hand and running to where chifuyu and takemichi was 

they didn't know someone was also there 

while the two imaushi was getting closer 

they heard someone say

"I'm going to kill my brother." 

that scared the living fuck out of the two of them


"that's scary.. nii-chan.. I won't do that to you :)" y/n said innocently 


this chapter is sooo little that I lost my whole life 

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this chapter is sooo little that I lost my whole life 


idk what to do so uhm wakasa is just kind of surprised on what hakkai said and y/n..

y/n is being y/n :)

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