Valentines special

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girl I'll be posting like more chapters and more special chapters because my brain is focusing on this book too much but uhm valentines yeahhh and the characters might be off character because like yuhh

girl I'll be posting like more chapters and more special chapters because my brain is focusing on this book too much but uhm valentines yeahhh and the characters might be off character because like yuhh

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"Happy valentines day, y/n-chan!" said kazutora as he as well has no one  to spend valentines day with 

"happy valentines, kazu-nii!!" y/n said hugging kazutora tightly but lets go of the hug once she heard her brother calling out her name 

"here you go y/n" said the usually (THATS HOW ITS SPELLED?) bored wakasa, as he was famous around girls but doesn't want any of them 

so he was giving their gifts to his little sister 

at least he ain't wasting chocolate's 

but she gives some chocolate back or to someone who she knows *just insert your hated chocolate flavor*

"Nii, I don't like this flavor!" yelled the little girl who was tugging her older brother 

"... uhm give them to your shinichiro-nii there" as he pointed to shinichiro who was sulking because he is now on 26 because of how much he confess to a girl but she keeps rejecting them 


"chi-nii!" the little girl ran to her second role model 

"Y/N-CHAN!!!" shinichiro said giving the same energy to the girl 

shinichiro scooped up y/n and holding her close 

we all know shinichiro miss his younger siblings being small and tiny 

"wakasa-kun! where's y/n-chin?" mikey said curiously as he wants the little girl to go with him 

"with your brother" now that confused mikey "izana?" 

"no no the other brother" mikey now gets who y/n was with 


"now I don't have to be a third wheel!" because we both know who's dating who 

"mhm!" the girl agreed because she kept seeing people holding hands and kissing... on the cheeks 

"you want piggy back ride?" the girl nodded her head excitedly 

"okay go on my back!" the girl did what she was told to 

"look, y/n-chin! a heart donut" she pulled mikeys hair and pointed to the donut 

"ehehe wakasa-kun said no donuts" she threw tantrums.. yeah his fault 

but nonetheless he bought it but once he looked back to the chair she was sitting on she was uhm gone 

"fuck not again.. I'm so dead" 

mickey mouse casket, anyone? 

mickey mouse casket, anyone? 

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he would totes fit there :D

*time skip to mikey going in the imaushi house hold* 

"oh.. manjiro, why are you back early?" asked the oldest imaushi asked mikey 

"uhm well you see that uhm" the oldest imaushi gave him a questioning look 

"Y/N RAN AWAY!" that's all he could think of... yeah... 

"WHAT?!" he was about to cry 

"yeah! we we're on the park and airiowa" more bs :D 


somehow y/n ended up with tenjiku 

"Y/n!!!" the tenjiku boss was running towards y/n 

"want more new tagalog words!?" he was indeed excited 

"I wanted to spend time with y/n~" the oldest haitani said

"suck's to be you" izana glared at Ran 

"what word do you wanna learn?" (I'm biased) 


and thats how the valentines day go with the youngest imaushi 

she keeps getting kidnapped aha 



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happy valentines day 

and to anyone who's birthday it is happy birthday :D 

ILY GUYS BYE BYE (next real update would be onnn the 17th of February :D If I can I'm trying to update mostly every now and then but school is shitty blame them not me thnx) 

words ; 627

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