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my phone is broken and rawr I can't sleep nor do anything rn (lololol I'm In my sad era) , but updating shit is fun so I'll be updating this book since

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my phone is broken and rawr I can't sleep nor do anything rn (lololol I'm In my sad era) , but updating shit is fun so I'll be updating this book since... when is my last update LMAO


"is this all you want, y/n?" said a tired ran

"no... I want that one too!" said y/n who was pointing at a teddy bear 

"...are you kidding me..?" said ran as he was tired of carrying bag and bags of toys 

"pfft! y/n-chan get more!" rindou said and looked at his brother laughing

"y/n.. don't you have enough toys already??" asked ran while he was glaring at rindou 

"uhm... hm... yes!" said y/n she was unsure at first, but she did have loads of toys from their gifts to her every occasion

"thank god" ran let out a relieve sigh 

but y/n had other plans for him, y/n went to him and opened her arms. She wanted to be carried of course 

"y/n... let your rin-nii carry you.. I'm carrying a lot of stuff right now" sighed ran as he indeed has loads of bags he's carrying 

"no..!" whined y/n

"ahh~ alright." ran gave up and carried her 

while rindou was just chilling on the side not helping his brother 



"So the 11th generation is born on the black dragon's founding day, huh? that's interesting" said someone as he was walking to where inui and takemitchi is 

"so you're Hanagaki Takemitchi!" he smiled 

"IZANA! you bastard!" exclaimed inui as he remembered izana

"WHAT DID YOU FUCKERS DO TO KOKO?" inui said as he gripped izana's shirt and is ready to punch him at anytime 

"Hey there.. we didn't do anything at all, he was the one who wanted to join Tenjiku in the first place, right?" Izana smirked at him, as inui looked at him angered 

"let me go. I'm only here to visit my brother's grave" said izana still smirking at inui 

"hold on! inupi-kun!" takemitchi said trying to stop them

"now that kokonoi is with us, I have no interest in you. Inui." said izana as he stopped smiling or smirking and looked at inui with a straight face 

"you..!" inui was ready to hit him anytime

"that's enough inupi-kun!" takemitchi still tried to stop them 

"eh?! mikey-kun?!" exclaimed takemitchi as he was surprised.. well not really but still

"huh? what's going on?" questioned emma as she just wanted to visit her late brother's grave 

"woah! visiting the grave with your beloved sister?" said izana with a slight smirk on his lips 

"takemitchy.. take emma away!" said mikey as he and izana are going to have a talk


as emma and takemitchy was walking 

takemitchy noticed a motorcycle holding a bat with them 

and going towards them with full speed 

little did they know the bat was fake... it wasn't real.. it was a toy.. those like kids toy that feels real and looks real but it's just fake and kind of squishy 

takemitchy dodged it while emma.. she wasn't very lucky 

but lukcy enough that the thing was a toy! 

"what the heck was that?" said emma as she only felt a slight bump on her head

"THIS IS FAKE! DID YOU GET THIS FROM A TOY BOX?" exclaimed kisaki as he hit hanma in the head 

"OW! maybe.. or maybe not.. it was just laying there on the floor... I didn't know it was y/n's toy!" 


hanma was only getting yelled at by kisaki

"STUPID! STUPID! DRIVE YOU STUPID BLOBFISH! DRIVE" hanma took off and just sigh since he was getting yelled at again



 kind of >:)

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