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bro lets get this arc over with because I'm getting grounded like.... jkasdfbuiaw


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The other's saw mikey getting hit by a part of a car and yelled or draken yelled "MIKEY!!" 

the others was shooketh as they saw their gang leader be half dead by kazutora 

'no.. way!' takemichi thought as he was yelling mikey's name out loud 

"Valhalla wins..." mumbled kazutora but he was shooketh when mikey got up out of his half dead body 

"just tell me one thing kazutora..." mikey said as he was struggling on standing up (brain damaged because of getting hit yk like.. yuh) 

"huh?" kazutora mumbled as he looked at mikey's standing figure 

"am I your enemy?" kazutora's eyes widened as he got flashbacks when mikey was helping him with gangs and shiii 


"you belong to me, kazutora.." 

'people can betray anyone..'

'I don't remember much of my early years.. But I do remember a raised fist and the terror on my mother's face..' 

"are you on your dad's side? or are you on my side? .... you can't choose both.. you have to choose either one.."  his mother said while he stood there still trying to process what was happening, he looked lost 

he want's someone's help "I...." 


"I suffered because of you.. It's your fault I got send to juvie." kazutora said anger running through his veins

"huh..? what the hell do you mean?" both of them glared at each other while the people watching them argue just felt sad and worried 

"OF COURSE YOU'RE MY ENEMY!" (YEH MINORS UNDER LIKE 18 CAN GO TO JUVIE and he's going there for attempted murder btw <3) yelled kazutora angerly 

"I will eliminate everyone in my way. did you know mikey?" kazutora said as he was going to the very top of the abandoned cars "if you kill people, that make's you the bad guy the 'traitor', but if you kill the bad guys the villains... that makes you the good guy.. the so called 'hero'.." kazutora said as he finally reached the top of the abandoned cars 

*with everyone watching at the bottom of the cars* 

"kazutora..." mumbled draken as he was worried for the both of his friends but mostly mikey

'what the fuck is wrong with him?!' though of takemichi as he thought kazutora is mentally ill (he isn't wrong though <3) 

"HAHAH~! that guys mentally ill! he's lost it!" hanma laughed at kazutora 

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