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".. How about we go to the playground and leave them be..." Wakasa sweat drop thinking they would influence y/n to killing him in the future

"NO!!! I WANNA WATCH SANRIO!" y/n yelled pulling wakasa's hand with all force

wakasa was feeling a little goofy and silly at the moment so he lot go meaning y/n fell

at like the side

"oh shit." wakasa said as he saw y/n's tears coming

"how about.. going to shin-nii's house? and play and watch sanrio I guess.."wakasa said as he tried to stop the girl from crying so he wouldn't feel too bad

-In the sano household-

"grandpa sanooo!!!" the girl yelled hugging the old man

(who feels like grandpa sano needs more attention in the book? I do man kind of raised the kids himself while teaching shit in the dojo)

"hello y/n" grandpa sano said patting her head

they always do this and grandpa sano loves spoiling her with sweets and whatever they have

"where's manji-nii?" the girl said letting go of the hug

"he said he went out with a friend.. I think he has a lavender hair?" grandpa sano said trying to remember who it was

"ohh okie!" the girl said leaving the two adults

"she's probably going to shinichiro's room and bombarding him with questions" the grandpa agreed with the older imaushi's sentence


"what's going on? smells like a rat in here!" smirked kokonoi

"koko-kun.." said a very scared rat

"what the hell?we're already busted?" muttered chifuyu

"aw, man~" grinned hanma

"our last rat had it real bad, you know. Couldn't the heat, so I think he killed himself.." glared kokonoi

"Y-.. You got it all wrong koko-kun!" the rat tried top explain

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