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But you woke up in a white room with the old black dragon members

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But you woke up in a white room with the old black dragon members

You just looked at them blankly

"MY BABY SISTERRR" wakasa said exaggerating

"Y/n-chan?!" Shinichiro being the crybaby he was of course he was sobbing tears up

And the two responsible I mean benkei being the most responsible out of all of them asked

"You feeling okay y/n-chan do you want anything?" He just wanted to know if she was hungry

"In hungry benkei" takeomi just wanted food y/n nodded at what takeomi said so benkei left to get food

While the two was being dramatic

"W-waka-nii?" Y/n wanted to ask something to wakasa "yes princess??? Need anything?" Wakasa said wanting to know what she needs because she had been through a lot lately and hasn't been there for he and wanted to make It up for it in the most simplest thing ever

He can spoil her if she wants too man has money load of money but to be honest it was no need hakkai has been taking her to his home and was found out by Kokonoi now Kokonoi spoils her rotten

If he heard what happened to her he would have yelled at toman members for not looking out at his special princess

Y/n has many connections with gangs lately

She know black dragon because of hakkai of course

She also knows tenjiku because of the haitani brothers when she got lost on a trip on Roppongi with her brother

She also knows Valhalla because she over heard it while walking to go to the park to meet Mikey (she was with her brother) when wakasa wasn't looking she made a run for it and went to look apparently kazutora was there

But anyways "w-whe-ere manj-ji..?" The other males didn't asnwer her question and just distracted her

"Y/n darling manji isn't here currently he's uhm.. Resting?" shinichiro said in slight confusion because even he doesn't know where Mikey is

"M-man-ji g-gone?... " the little girl said tears coming up her eyes

"N-no? Uhm just somewhere... Playing.. HIDE AND SEEK!" the girls tears stopped "p-play?"

All of them nodded thankful of wakasa's thoughtful thinking

"I-i wan-nt pla-ay hide sik!" They looked at the girl worried they didn't wanna play shit

"I... You go ahead and hide darling:)" said wakasa while the others looked at him ready to murder him expect for shin bitch was crying tears
Then they all pounced on wakasa yelling and fighting

(I swear this chapter was just an add on because I had nothing on mind 😔)

(I swear this chapter was just an add on because I had nothing on mind 😔)

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words ; 449

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