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"I had to carry y/n-chan here and this is what I get?!" Mikey said unhappy with what he got

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"I had to carry y/n-chan here and this is what I get?!" Mikey said unhappy with what he got

"You complain to much you carry her for a couple of miles while I have to carry her with your butt for a lot of ducking miles!" He said while making some of the language family friendly

"F-fries..?gone.." Y/n said really really unhappy because Mikey has been snacking on her fries for a while now

She's tearing up crocodile tears "f-fries" she said already hugging draken

"It's okay y/n-chan we can get another one don't worry look at what you did Mikey!" Draken said while trying to comfort poor y/n

Mikey just pouted

"Ugh I have to do everything around here, can you just get us an additional fries?" Draken said while getting something in his pocket

It was a flag! He puts it into mikey's rice

"Hehe way to go ken-chin!" Draken just looked at him annoyed

"Quit falling asleep after eating! Now I have to carry two people iwhdjsj" draken let out and non-audiable sound "y-y/n w-walk fo-r k-ken!" Y/n said sweetly

"Thanks y/n-chan you sure you won't fall?" Draken said to the little one she just nodded her head

-After walking-

"Mikey were here" draken woke Mikey up so after waking up he hopped off draken's back

While y/n ran away somewhere at least safe

"Fl-lower fo-r w-waka-nii!" Y/n said getting flowers out of the nearby tree but she spotted takemichi so she decided to follow him

While following takemichi halt so y/n went up to him but decided not to bother him because to her pov he looked troubled

So she just walked away

-next day-

They all went to something important so they decided to put y/n in a park to distract her but it honestly didn't

She saw takemicchi running by and followed him again

He went into a halt he was far away from where she was and she was tired so she just walked he way to takemichi

But she was grabbed by her collar by someone

She had tears in her eyes while getting carried by the unknown person

"Sorry to interrupt your little group implosion" the so-called-unknown said

"But you keep saying 'moebius', would you mind not repeating our name like that?" Again the so called cocky bitch sorry cocky unknown person said  "you middle school babies" he finishes his sentence

"Osanai!!!" Yelled pah-chin "shut it dick cheese" the so-called-great osanai said

"I have a little surprise for you guys! ♡" he said putting y/n in front of him now "we found this little doll in front of our special meeting spot" he said not finished with his sentence but toman looked so fucking pissed with y/n crying in front of them and having scars on her face

"If we win how about we have a little you know.. Fun with this doll" osanai said with his members laughing on the background laughing

"But you can have her first" osanai threw her across the warehouse while draken scurry to her rescue

"She passed out because of exhaustion..." Draken said sadly Mikey looked pissed as ever

"Do you know who the fuck you messed with?" Mikey said but tried to keep his cool because this was his friends fight but he would not go down with every single moebius members on the floor

"Let's go Mikey to the side and watch peh-yan bring takemicchi too" draken said dragging Mikey while carrying y/n with him cradling her

Pah-chin was absolutely demolished by osanai but what peh-yan can do was watch

"PAH-CHINN!" yelled by his best friend peh-yan

-time skip- (I'm doing a lot of time skip because it is fucking 2:17 your miss gurl haven't slept yet😃)

Draken dropped you well most likely gave you too peh-yan but still he almost dropped you

So it woke you up but fainted because of blood

So it woke you up but fainted because of blood

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words ; 694

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