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"takemichy, bring baji back from valhalla

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"takemichy, bring baji back from valhalla."

the boy quickly got alerted by the sudden request

"y/n-chin and I really really love that guy." he stopped and look 'else where

"can you do that for us?" and smiled with his eyes closed

"o-of course!"  the piss haired quickly replied to his friend


"can I ask you... to do just one thing for me?" the boy looked at him and said 'huh?'

" kisaki out of toman!" the boy looked at him and nodded

"of course I would.. I mean look at what he did to y/n-chin.. that was unforgivable" the blonde said not forgetting how he pushed the child and didn't say sorry

*and more bs*

"mitsuya! get out of there I can see you silver hair peeking out" the leader looked at the tree that his member was hiding on

"aw man, you caught me?" he said scratching his head and explained why he was behind the tree

"and I was about to discuss on what baji did to y/n-chan" the two looked at him and shurgged, mitsuya deadpanned

"oh and mitsuya, I'm putting takemichy in you division" the silver haired boy regretted his decision on listening to their convo

"ok excited to work with you" with a expression that was unbelievable

after the two left takemichi noticed, a paper?

he started naming the founding members and found an extra one?

"there were...six?"
*meanwhile with baji and y/n*

baji was cuddling with y/n while they were walking

"I missed youu~" he said while they were walking down an alley way

"Long time no see, kazutora.." y/n's face lit up

"tora-nii!!" she then wanted to be carried by him

which he did and they talked while y/n kept on hugging kazutora tightly

*they still didn't bring y/n back to her older bother btw*

"THEY KIDNAPPED MY BABY SISTER!!! LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID SHINICHIRO" the other two who weren't involved in the fight sweat dropped


" WE ARE GOING TO THAT FIGHT WITH YOUR STUPID BROTHER AND GET MY SISTER BACK" now the oldest imaushi was pissed he is now fighting with shinichiro.... physically.

the two had to tie him up in a chair

"MMMHMMMHMHM!!" he kept on screaming at them...

"I'll talk to Mikey about it" then he left the three alone

the two just made a face screaming 'bruh'

*time skip to chifuyu being brutally beaten by baji*

"He looks pretty beaten up.."

"can i join now? and give me y/n-chan back. I did the thing."

"ehe~ good...KAZUTORA! you ready?" the man stood up and looked at kazutora

"yeah?" kazutora smirked at him

"this takemichi hanagaki. toman's newest member.." the girl hanma was carrying looked at takemichi and nodded

"okay~ step forward" he looked at him weirdly and asked " you're hanagaki~?" takemichi looked troubled

then takemichi glanced at baji "it's you.. from before.." baji looked at him head to toe "you come here to be killed, or what?"

"we will now summon a witness!" y/n cheered with them

*blah blah blah boring shits*

-flash back-

"whoa! awesome!" Pah-chin, age 12

"toman's got uniform!!"

"this rules mitsuya!" Kazutora, age 12

"no, it doesn't. I'm the one who got pushed into making 'em" Mitsuya, age 13

"let's changed into 'em and make a commemorative picture!!" Draken, age 13

"right Mikey?!"

"hm?" Mikey, age 12

"FUCKER! WHY'D YOU EAT ALL MY CHOCOLATE PRAFAIT?!!" said a pissed off draken who is now grabbing into Mikey's shirt collar

"whoops!! didn't notice"


-time skip to where they beaten up the guy to take their photo-

"say... cheese.."


"BEACH TIME!" said draken smiling gleefully

"HELL YEAH! THIS IS GREAT!" followed by an excited baji

"FEEL THAT SEA BREEZE!" also followed by an excited kazutora

"HEY! LET'S PICK UP THE PACE!" pah yelled getting impatient

" WE CAN'T REMEMBER?!" yelled mitsuya because of a certain someone

"'CAUSE HE'S TOO SLOW!" they all looked at the certain someone and yelled

"Mikey!!" with a troubled expression in their face

-time skip to them taking their shirts off- (family friendly sorry I forgot...)

"let's go, mitsuya!" draken said racing mitsuya to the water

"I'm not losing to you!" said a very competitive mitsuya

"whoever swims to the open water and back first wins!"

"seriously..?" said a troubled kazutora you could say he was concerned

"but we got a beach full of hot girls.." or not...

"now that's what you call an eye candy!" yelled a pervert pah-chin

*and other bs*


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words ; 788

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