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"I-uhm 😨😥" the doctor stuttered in front of the handsome young men

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"I-uhm 😨😥" the doctor stuttered in front of the handsome young men. (Aish I did it again I'm sorry lemmi just...)

"I... We did everything we could to the little girl.." With that everyone cried their eyes out even draken! 😮

"I-im sorry! You can see her" everyone was shocked with what she said because they really thought she was dead

"U-uhm I was told she wanted to see someone named 'waka-nii' she requested him or her! To come visit first" the doctor chuckled nervously

because of the hot men in the room

Fuck sorry

"T-that would be me I'm her older brother." He tried to compose his self but he couldn't because his little sister almost died because of him

The doctor led him to y/n's room while everyone was waiting patiently

"Y/n-chin can't die yet! I promised her that I would show her everything and anything and that toman would protect her from any harm but I guess one promise is broken..." Mikey said his voice getting lower and lower

"Toman's no good for her anyways, send her to black dragon again we will protect her more then your useless gang." The yet unknown said, the one who was willing to pay all the hospital bills

"YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT HER AND TOMAN!" Smiley yelled not smiling anymore and just wanted to launch at the person

"Woah just telling the truth, what? Can't handle the truth?" The handsome.. Ahem the cocky bastard still being an asshole (my Vocabulary running about be like)

"calm down we are in a hospital" a guy with a red gang uniform said he was kinda bald.. but still has hair

"You guys suck at protecting y/n-chan~" a rannable I mean annable I mean uhm a braided hair said glaring at toman

*with wakasa*

(Btw they just kept arguing on what gang should keep you)

"H-hi princess... I know your not awake but big brothers always here for you... I promise you that" he can't keep his calm expression anymore he just broke down crying while holding your hand

"I'm sorry... I wasn't a good role model for you I should be there protecting you but no... I was slacking around not having my little sister by my side... I didn't even know you got stabbed until shinichiro told me.. " his voice was shaking

"I-i.. You don't deserve this (HELP I'M CRYING BECAUSE I'M LISTENING TO 'SEE YOU AGAIN') you deserve much better then having a shitty older brother, I didn't want responsibility over you and pretended you weren't their i-i" he couldn't finish his sentence he broke down crying and hugging your sleeping body


*with other the other gang and...peers*

"I-im sorry! I didn't know y/n-chan was going to be in the fight I thought she was going to be with her older brother... I didn't know" peh-yan started crying because y/n liked him, and she was the 2nd one who liked him

"I-i thought..." Everyone was ready to kill him but the author isn't a killer like Ken wakui :)

"You thought?! DON'T YOU HAVE A BRAIN?" hehe he doesn't hehe, the unknown person almost ran up to him and smashed him in the ground but someone held him back

"Izana she wouldn't like it if she saw someone she holds dearly hurt because of you, she won't talk to you again you know that, right?" The younger brother of the annable looking ass I mean the braided hairs little brother said

"Let's go, I'll just wait for her visit prepare your money we'll buy her what she wants."

'Pfft as if I'm closer to her bitch I'll spoil her little cute self first and I have more money then you!' Someone thought

*after everyone left because it was now midnight*

"See ya' soon y/n-chan~!" They quickly left after that

Leaving only the Sano and imaushi family

"You guys should also go, I'll look after my sister" the tired and sad imaushi said

"You sure your okay?" The boy nodded at his friends question and signaled them to leave

"I'll stay here with wakasa, shin-nii.." Shinichiros eyes widened

"A-are you sure mikey?" Mikey weakly smiled at his brother and nodded

"it is my fault after all..." He whispered to himself

The older sano brother looked at imaushi he just nodded when his friend gave him the look of approval

"Okay then behave... I guess?" They left after their small chit chat

"You should go to bed wakasa-kun" the boy said because of how tired the brother was stressing over his little sister

"I'm fine Mikey.. by the way... What even happened?" the boy stayed quiet for a while

"She wasn't.. Suppose to be at the fight... She was supposed to be with the girls.. She just suddenly ran up to ken-chin and took the stab for herself.... I'm sorry wakasa-kun." They both looked tired so the oldest imaushi just nodded his head

"You can lay down on the couch, I'll sleep beside y/n." (Okay what he meant by that is he will sleep with his head laying down beside her yk..?) The boy went to bed quickly and didn't utter a single word after that

?) The boy went to bed quickly and didn't utter a single word after that

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words ; 907

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