special chapter

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(a/n ; this is just a little extra because I cant be motivated enough to actually do a real chapter, sry AND I KEEP STARTING NEW BOOKS BECAUSE MY BRAIN KEEPS ON THINKING NEW SHIT SO AGAIN I'M SORRYYY 😣, p

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(a/n ; this is just a little extra because I cant be motivated enough to actually do a real chapter, sry AND I KEEP STARTING NEW BOOKS BECAUSE MY BRAIN KEEPS ON THINKING NEW SHIT SO AGAIN I'M SORRYYY 😣, p.s blame my brain not me thnx)

"dude you know what" shinichiro said to his friend since they were hanging out "what?" wakasa said "you should prank y/n-chan!"

"hell no, she'll cry and do you know how much bribery it would take to make her stop crying?"wakasa immediately declined shinichiro's idea

" it would be fun! trust me and I'll help you on making her stop crying!" he offered his friend wakasa, so wakasa thought about it for a while

"I mean...yeah sure." he said but clearly still skeptical about his friends idea

*setting up*

"that's it! and I think their about to be back home, take my phone record it!" shoving his phone in his friends hands and leaving through the window

"y/n's now going to be happy about this...but oh well"

*meanwhile with y/n*

"souya! up!" the blue orge gladly carried her in his arms (I AM SIMPING FOR HIM AND EVERYONE ELSE because I'm a whore 🥺jk I just love everyone even though Ken wakui keeps killing them)

"aww y/n-chan why didn't you want me to carry youuuu" the peach haired said "y/n like souya better" the blue orge took pride of that (as he should)

"well this is y/n-chans stop guys" mitsuya said the kawata brothers got saddened

"bye y/n-channnnn" the little girl waved at them all and closed the door

wakasa gave y/n's favorite members or friends an extra key to the house so they can let her in or they can stay and watch y/n while he was gone

"bye bye..." then she waddled her way to her brothers room and check if he's in the house

"nii-chan?" then she went near his bed

something or someone grabbed her tiny legs

she then fell and hit her butt to the ground while she was processing what happened and cried

"...WAHHHHH" then threw a trantrum

'shit...' wakasa thought

"hey hey it's okay it's just nii-chan dont worry" he said while getting out of his bed

y/n then started hitting him in the head

*after calming her down*

"y/n wants go to izana-nii! I don't like wakasa-nii 'nymore!" while bonking his face

"I'm sorryyyy, but we'll get you to your so called izana-nii" he said while rolling his eyes

"I'm sorryyyy, but we'll get you to your so called izana-nii" he said while rolling his eyes

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words ; 438

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