Drunk Slipknot Scenarios

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Shawns POV

Joey and Corey are the most drunk I think I've ever seen them. We all went out to celebrate...something, I honestly forget, but I didn't think they're get this hammered. "Cmon guys we gotta go." Mick stated. Joey and Corey looked over at Mick. Joey giggled and put his hand on Corey's shoulder. "Coreyyy...ya hear that? We gotta gO! They think *hic* we're gonna leave!" Joey slurred. Both Corey and Joey started to laugh now. I sighed. No one got near as drunk as them, we didn't even wanna get that drunk either! "What if..we don't?" Corey asked. "Me and Jim will drag your sorry asses out." Mick said. Joey giggled again. "Do it..!" Joey said. Mick sighed and grabbed Joey by the arm, pulling him off the bar stool. "HeY! Let Joey..go! He-He'll go!" Corey said. "Yea! You're hurting *hic* me!" Joey yelled. Mick sighed and let go of Joey. As soon as Mick did that, Joey fell back into the stool. Corey laughed with Joey.  "Ehehe, Joey!! C-Cmonnn." Corey said. Corey slowly got off the stool and safely stood. Joey, as well, slowly made it up. Joey hung onto Corey and tried to walk out, but Corey somehow fell forward and hit head first on the door. Joey started bursting out laughing while the rest of us stood concerned. "Corey! That's not-... *hic* that's not the exit silly! Come- Come on! We gotta goooo!" Joey said. Joey smiled and fell next to Corey. "Oh my fucking god..." Mick muttered. "Guys cmon." I said. Corey and Joey both laughed. "You guys are so sillyyyy!" Joey said. Mick looked at Jim and sighed. Then, the two of them went up and grabbed Corey and Joey. "AHHH MICKKKKK!" Joey yelled. Corey was still laughing when Jim picked him up. "Ughhh you guys are *hic* no fun!" Corey exclaimed. 

Simons (Shawn's kid) POV 

Another day, another migraine is what a clever soul once said. That is exactly how I feel right now. Drunk laughter was coming the kitchen right next to the living room, which I was currently in. "Chrisss..! Watch the Vodka!! You're gonna.." Shawn paused to laugh. "You're gonna spill it..!" He finished. Chris laughed and held the bottle of vodka in front of both their faces. "It's fineeeA! You're just sooooo dramatic!" Chris exclaimed. Shawn shook his head. "Nooo... I'm no-..How could you evenn...say that?!" Shawn yelled. "Becauseee it's true!" Said Chris. "Will you two shut the fuck up?" I asked. They both gasped. "Lan-Language..!" Shawn said. I rolled my eyes. Chris looked at Shawn and Shawn looked back. They both randomly started giggling. "You..you tell 'em!" Chris laughed. Shawn kept laughing and fell leaned his back against the counter. Chris then fell against the floor, spilling what appeared to be vodka all over the floor. "Awww Chrisss! I t- *hic* told you so..!" Shawn said. But they kept laughing. I sighed and shook my head. 

Corey's POV

Walking home two drunk men at 12:35am. Sid and Joey were fumbling around as we walked through the streets on Dei Moines. "Hey..hey Joey?" Sid asked. "Hm..?" Joey replied. Sid giggled. "Knock knock." Sid said. Joey smiled and giggled. "Who's there?" He asked. Sid almost tripped over his feet as he walked. "Bush.." He replied. Joey kept smiling. "Bush whooo..?" Sid smiled and looked at the bushes next to Joey. "George bush!" Sid said as he pushed Joey into the bushes, but in the process, Joey grabbed Sid's armed and pulled him down with him. "Oh my god Sid! Seriously?!" I exclaimed. They both started laughing. "Siddd! Seeeee..! You can't *hic* dooo that..!" Joey said in between laughs. I sighed. "Cmon, you two. We gotta get home." I said. They both still were laughing. "But corr! Cmon..! Don't be mean!" Joey said. "Yea! You-You already took away *hic* drinks!" Sid stated. I rolled eyes. "Yea whatever, we.got.to.go." I said. They both laughed more. "Helllp meeee!" Joey ordered as he reached his hand out. I sighed and grabbed his hand, pulling him up. Joey giggled and held on to my arm. "Cmon Sid, get up." I ordered. Sid slowly pulled himself up. Him and Joey ended up giggling and laughing the entire way there.

Joeys POV

Me and Shawn were sitting in the back of Jim's car near a lake that we were fishing in. We were having small talk and drinking some beer, but then, Jim opens the door..holding a goddamn dead fish. "Jim what the fuck?!" I exclaimed. "I GOT A FISH!!" He yelled. "Jim get that out of the car!" Shawn yelled. Jim giggled and waved the fish around. "Fishy fishy fishy..!" Jim began to sing. "Oh my god.." Shawn whispered. I started to laugh myself. "Go Jim!" I said. "Don't fucking encourage him! Jim get that out!" Shawn yelled. Jim giggled more. "Bloup bloup bloup." Jim sang. He moved the fish like it was swimming towards us. "Bloup bloup that thing out of the car!" Shawn demanded. I started laughing more. Jim made kissing noises as he brought the fish closer to Shawn. "Ew dude! Get it away!" Shawn yelled. I smiled. Jim had a dead blue gill and was making kissing noises. That's some of the funniest shit ever.

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