A Corey x Joey thing :)

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Joeys POV

Being bored all day and having no motivation to do Jack shit isn't the best way to spend your day. No tours, Murderdolls or Slipknot...no practice...no nothing. I've just been laying in bed all fucking day. 

I switched through the channels on my TV desperately trying to find a channel or show that'd I want to want. There's nothing! There's no sports that I like on, there's no good soap operas on, nothing. Absolutely nothing. I sighed.

I then remembered that I was watching Stranger Things a day or two ago. That's a show that I could definitely binge watch. I got on Netflix and put on the show, but pausing it after. I needed to prepare food if I'm gonna binge watch it. I got up and walked downstairs and to the kitchen. I opened the cabinets and grabbed some chips, dip, cookies and two bottles of red Gatorade. 

My cat jumped on the counter, almost make me drop all true stuff in my hand. "Seriously Mokey? Jesus.." I mumbled. He came up and rubbed his head on my elbow. I smiled. "Yknow what? You're forgiven." I said. He purred and sat on the counter. "But you can't sit on the counter, it's unsanitary." I said. He didn't move. I sighed and walked back upstairs and to my room. I threw my snacks down on the bed and sat next to it.

*20 mins later*



I jumped and looked at my window. Corey was on top of a branch outside my window. I paused my show and quickly got off the bed. I opened the window and the noise of dogs barking filled the room. "Corey what the hell are you doing?" I asked. "Uh, so funny story. I was gonna come to your house and knock at the door like a normal human right? Well there are these big ass dogs and they started chasing me so I had to climb up the tree.." He said. I blankly stared at him. "It's weird I know.." He mumbled. I sighed. 

"Well cmon in." I said. He smiled and crawled inside. "Oo stranger things?" He asked. I nodded and sat on my bed. "Can I?" He asked. I nodded. He sat next to me and pulled the covers over us. I unpaused the show and we both started eating the snacks. "How long were you planning to watch this?" He asked. I shrugged. "I've been bored all day so.. I don't really know." I said. He nodded.

About 5 minutes later, my cats nudge the door open and walks in. "Hi Mokeyyy!" I greeted. Corey scoffed. "You didn't seem that excited for me to be here." He said. "Oh..." I sighed and rolled my eyes. "So dramatic." I stated. He grumbled. The cat jumped on the bed and next to me. "Hi kitty." I greeted again. Mokey laid on the ends of my legs. "Yknow..it'd be nice if I could lay somewhere.." Corey said. "You can lay down?" I said. "Yea I know I Just..the bed isn't as special as the place I wanna lay on." He said. I gave him a "really" look. He crossed his arms and looked back at me. 

"Pleaseee..?" He asked. I shook my head. "But Joeyyyy...Cmon babezz.." He begged. I shook my head again. He completely ignored me laid his head on my thighs. "Jesus Corey I said no." I said. He shrugged. "If the cat gets to, I get to too." He said. I sighed. "Can you maybe like rub my head too?" He asked. "No!" "Joey please!" I stayed quiet. "Pretty please?" I sighed again and reached my hand down to scratch his head. He smiled and leaned into my touch.

And that's what we did for more than 2 hours. We just laid and binge watched Stranger Things and ate food. It's was nice, and I'm glad he came over. Though my body is sore as fuck.

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