Joey x Shawn fic lol

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Joeys POV

I grumble and kick my leg frustrated. There's nothing I've been able to do for forever. I don't have motivation for drums..I don't have motivation for guitar..I don't even have motivation to doodle random shit! It's bullshit! 

It's getting to the point where I'm too bored to even sleep. Not even Sid is keeping me entertained.

"It was like bow and bow and boom!" Sid exclaimed as he landed on the table. "Uh huh.." I mumbled. He looked at me tired. "Cmon man! Get hyped!" "Sid, I'm tired." "And I'm tired of you bein' borin'!" I rolled my eyes. "Yea whatever Sid." 

I did kinda feel bad for killing the mood sometimes, but for some reason I just couldn't get excited. It's not like I'm depressed or anything, I'm just so bored!

I sighed and got up. I opened my door and mindlessly wondered around our long halls. However, I stopped in front of a terribly familiar room.

Shawn's room. The door was cracked and there was faint music. Very calming music. 

I carefully peered in the door. There, I found Shawn on a cozy looking chair, reading a book. He looked up from the book and at me.

"Oh! Uh...hey.." I mumbled. "Hi. You need something?" My glaze fixed on the various hanging plants and the books on the bookshelf. 

"No..I was just looking around." He nodded. "You wanna come sit and read?" I thought about it for a moment.

"Uh..sure." I walked over and looked for a place to sit. "Here." He smiled and patted the spot in between his legs.

I gave him a look, and he raised his hands in defense. "Hey hey hey, I'm not exactly in the oh-I-wanna-fuck-everything-I-see mood, so you're good." 

I sighed and walked over to him, passing up more and more plants and books on the ground as I made it over.

I sat in between his legs on the chair. "What book is this?" "IT." "Original?" "You know it is." I smiled.

"Haven't you read this a million times now?" He shrugged. "I like the book." "No shit." He smiled and pointed to a spot on the page.

"I'll read from here." I nodded and laid back on him. As I did, I chuckled. "What's so funny?" I smiled and looked up at him. 

"You gotta beer belly." He gave me an annoyed look. "It's a good thin-." "Shut up Joey!" I laugh and lean back more. 

"Just read, please." He sighs and begins to read. 

After about a hour, we finished the book. I sighed and leaned against him. "That was scary." He smiled. "No it wasn't."

I shrugged and shared the soft smile. "Yea I was..but you were here to protect me soo..I think I'll be ok." He kissed the top of my head.

"Yknow what?" I asked. He looked at me confused. "I really think you're too soft to hurt someone." 

He rolled his eyes. "Yknow I'm only like this around you." I didn't stop smiling. "Yea yea..all bark, no bite." 

He shook his head and looked away. My gaze traveled from him to the various plants and books. 

"You're a nerd." I could tell he looked down at me. "Yknow what Joey?" I started to laugh. "You're so lucky you're adorable."

I shoot up and whip around to him. "I am not adorable! I'm the furthest thing from adorable!" My face was obviously heating up and flushing.

"You are~" "Stop! I-Im not!" He laughed and hugged me, pulling me back onto his stomach. "You're a pain in my ass!" 

He laughed and snuggled me. "Yea, I know I am. But you love me anyways." I sighed. "Yea..yea I do.."

Wholesome lil thing ☺️

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