Drunken Joey-

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Shawn's POV

This is the last time.. The last time I ever take Joey drinking. This man was capable of drinking two entire whiskey bottles in the matter of 2 or 3 hours. So there I was, holding Joey as the others snickered. The one time Corey "doesn't feel like drinking".. "Havin' fun Shawn?" Jim joked. I gave him a death stare then looked at Joey. He was just laying on my chest as we walked down the dark alleyways trying to get back to our hotel. "It's such a struggle trying to make this as.. Whatcha call it.. Non-homo as possible." I said. "I can see that." Paul said. "I'm trying not to like to hold his ass or anything but I still have to hold him up." "Hold his- nevermind. I was gonna say thighs but..yea." Mick said. "Is he asleep?" Sid asked. "No.." Joey muttered. "You good dude?" Sid asked. "My head just hurts." He replied. "Wonder why." Chris said. "Yea." I agreed. "Are my hands fine? You want me to move 'em or anything?" I asked. "No, you're good. Your hands aren't even on me." Joey said. He was right, my forearms were under him. "Chris, are you fine with this?" Mick joked. "I don't care, I know he doesn't mean anything by it. Plus there's an age gap that really just.. Doesn't work I guess." Chris responded. "Yep." I said.

It was only a couple minutes later when me and Joey got into a "argument. "I'm still right! You shouldn't have drinken that much!" I said. "No! You can't tell me what to do! I can drink however much I want!" Joey argued. "No you can't! As the oldest-... what are you doin'?" I asked as I started feeling slight hits to my chest. "He's- he's punching you." Paul laughed. And he was, he was just punching my chest. It didn't hurt..like at all.. "It feels like little bugs are landing on me." I said. "Hey! This hurts and you know it!" Joey said, still punching. "Uh huh, this isn't making me change my mind, man." I said. "Ugh whatever.." Joey said, going back to laying his head on my shoulder. "Are we almost there?" Sid asked. "Almost... thankfully." I said. Jim and Mick both cackled. "Oh shut the hell up! You wanna do this?!" I yelled. "No! No, I'm good man.." Jim said, still laughing. Joey just kept like..growling I guess? He was having (another) argument with Paul who was behind me. To be honest, I don't really know what they were arguing about, but it didn't seem serious or anything. "That's why your mom left." Joey said. "She literally didn't dude-" Paul said. "Uh huh, then.. That's why.. That's.. Just shut up and apologize!" Joey yelled. "I'm good, how 'bout you apologize?" Paul said. "No!" "Well then I won't." Paul smiled. "Ugh I hate all of you!" Joey said, burying his head back in my shoulder. 'What'd I do?!" Sid exclaimed. "Well.. nothin' really.. Ok I hate all of you besides Sid." Joey said. "Yay." "Dang." Jim said, obviously not caring whatsoever.

We finally reached the hotel and walked in. We gained very many weird looks from the employees and other people, considering that there were like 7 or 8 grown men, and one of them was in someone else's arms. "Someone get the elevator." I said. Mick hurried in front of me and pressed the elevator. "Can you walk yet?" I asked Joey. "No. I don't wanna.." He said. "Oh so you can?" "No.." "Uh huh, get off." I demanded. "Mm... But I don't wanna walk!" He said. "Too damn bad Joey, I'm gonna drop you if you don't get off." I said. "Mm..! You're annoying.." Joey said. "3...2...1. Ok fine." I let go of Joey.. but he didn't drop.. He really just hung onto my neck. The others started laughing. "Damnit Joey I swear to god." I said. "I'm not letting go." He said. "Fine." I started to tickle his sides. "AH! Stop! Go-d." Joey started to laugh. "FINE!" Joey finally let go, almost falling as he did. A couple seconds later the elevator arrived and we got in.

"See, it isn't so bad walking." I said as Joey entered the elevator. He looked at me annoyed, and as he did I just smiled. Joey grumbled and softly kicked my leg. "I hate you.." He quietly mumbled. After he did he crossed his arms, clearly pouting. "Uh huh. Y'know you should be thanking me for not making you walk from the bar to here." I said. "Yea well I'm not gonna." Joey said. "Whatever, fine." The elevator arrived at our floor and we all got out..except Joey. "C'mon Joey, let's go." I said. "Nope. Not leaving." Joey said, still having his arms crossed. "You're really gonna act like a child, aren't you?" I asked. The others laughed and didn't even bother trying to get him out. "I'm not going." Joey said, turning his head. I had to put a foot by the doors so they wouldn't close. "Let's.Go.Now." I said more sternly this time."No!" "Nathan Jonas Jordison let's go." He growled at his full name. I grabbed his arm and started to pull him. "HEY! LET GO, SHAWN!" Joey yelled. "Shut up, you look like you're getting kidnapped." I said. Joey just laughed for a second as we walked. "What?" I asked. He let himself drop. "Joey I swear to god I am not in the mood for this bullshit." I said. Joey giggled. I just continued to pull him, dragging him on the ground. "This is so fun." Joey said. I growled.

I finally reached Corey's room and knocked. He opened the door, being confused as it opened. "I have a delivery." I said. "Hi!!!" Joey waved. "I-.. what? What happened to Joey?" He asked. "This is the result of him drinking two whiskey bottles." I said. "I'm sorry? He what?" Corey said. "Yea.. I didn't realize he drank that much." I said. Joey finally stood up and walked over to Corey, hugging him. Corey hugged back and was still confused. "Yea so I'm gonna go and get some sleep." I said. "Uh.. ok, thanks?" Corey said as I walked away, heading to me and Chris's room. I reached my room and I opened the door with the keycard to see Chris already in bed watching TV. Chris turned to look at me. "Hey, how was getting Joey to his room?" He said, grinning. "Shut up Chris." I said, taking off my jacket. He just chuckled and turned completely to me. "Do we have to do anything before we go to bed?" I asked. "Nope! We can just lay down and go to sleep!" He joyfully said. "Thank god, I think I've had a long enough day." I said, chuckling after. I got in bed and laid next to Chris. "Whatcha watchin'?" I asked. "Some taped concert." He replied. "Cool, what band?" "Heh, Elvis." He said. "Seriously Chris-?" "Yea! I like Elivs!" He defensively said. "Uh huh. Sure. Just turn it off, I wanna go to bed." I said. "Fine." Chris turned off the TV and faced me. I, however, have already turned over. Chris soon came over and spooned me. "Since when do you do this?" I asked because I usually spoon him. "Since now."

Meanwhile with Corey and Joey

Corey's POV

Me and a seemingly calm Joey were sitting on the couch watching MTV's show Ridiculousness. He seemed a lot more sleepy since he's gotten here though. "You tired?" I asked. He nodded his head slowly. "Let's go to bed then, I'm pretty tired too." I said. I stood up and reached my hand out offering for Joey to take it. He stood up, grabbing my hand, then we started to walk to our room. He laid down first, followed by me. "Can we cuddle?" Joey asked. "Mhm." I said, reaching an arm out. He curled up next to me, falling asleep in seconds. I stayed up for a good while though, but I eventually fell asleep.

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