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❛  i prefer dangerous freedom
over peaceful slavery. 
——— anonymous

Everything that Skade the Seeress had done since the moment she had found herself in a miraculous pregnancy, was for her baby, her child, the light of her life. Since the moment the little Solvi had been born, she became Skade's purpose in life, the reason for her existence. Everything would be for the child, her heir, her little Völva to be. From the moment she had shown signs of the special abilities of witchcraft, connecting to the elements and animals, Skade vowed to herself to educate her little girl in the practices of Seidr and Dark Magic.

The opportunity to gain glory with Bloodhair had been too good to pass, and he was easy to manipulate and mold to her whims and demands. He was an easy, foolhardy man who was too absorbed in his masculine ego to realize what made men follow him, with his thoughtless, violent, and vicious ways was also his hubris.

But then she had been captured by Uhtred, the mightly Dane-slayer, who was born a Saxon and brought up a Dane, who claimed his danish culture with pride, yet killed his brethren for the weak-willed poisons that were the Saxons. Her baby had been taken from her, but she had cursed the man. She took at the very least some comfort that the man would not brutalize her child or leave her to the fairies and monsters in the forest. Her babe was strong, she would be kept safe by this band of men.

Besides, Solvi seemed to grow fond of all of the men in Uhtred's group, taking to the Irishman and the other Dane with ease, though the young warrior monk struggled with Solvi awkwardly, unaccustomed to holding a small babe. Her adorable baby babbled contently with the playfully gentle Irishman, who laughed loudly about her adorable child, and seemed to grow sleepy more easily within the arms of the Dane who followed Uhtred, who seemed absolutely taken with her beautiful babe. Solvi was a mere baby, barely making it to one and a half cycles of the four seasons, and yet she was able to entrance all that held her.

At the betrayal of Bloodhair's cowardice, Skade had decided to switch her sights more permanently to Uhtred, who was by far the better and more noble warrior. Her visions began to change, shifting to see the future of her child and Uhtred's future.  That was when she saw the visions of her daughter, a conqueror of Saxons and a leader of Danes. An older version of her beloved Solvi came to her mind's eye in her dreams, holding the King Alfred's Saxon crown in one hand, and a Danish battle-shield in the other.

She'd been able to worm her way into Uhtred's good graces, moving away from prisoner to a prospective woman, even with his overwhelming grief of his Danish wife Gisela or her competition with the obviously beloved Saxon Princess Aethelflaed. The Mercian Warrior Beauty, daughter of the Great King Alfred. Skade could admit the Saxon woman, who wore beautiful furs sewed into her cloak and pink garments among her clothes that complement her rosy cheeks and soft lips and those pretty doe-eyes that hide a true vicious she-wolf inside. That woman was a threat to her position and the chances of her daughter's protection.

She had done everything she could to secure her position, and therefore the position of her heir, even sacrificing herself to be traded off to Haesten of all the brainless men, just to save the life of Uhtred's beloved princess. She knew her daughter would be perfectly safe, because even while Uhtred remained reluctant to make her his woman (even if it was promised now that she had saved his beloved princess), he had become fond her her own little one just as all the others had. Even that Saxon princess had professed a fondness for her child.

Killing Bloodhair had been satisfying, more so than setting up the conflict between he and Haesten. The younger Dane who had followed Uhtred had joined not long before, she think she caught his name to be Sihtric, while he was a handsome man, she focused on the sweet victory she would soon get upon conquering the mighty Uhtred.

She just did not expect he would realize that drowning her would effectively get rid of his curse.


A/N: I originally had planned to make this a long chapter that covered dialogue and more detailed descriptions of major events that happened in Season 3, but eventually when it became too long and too much about the other characters and not at all about Solvi, I decided to scrap it and focus on Skade's motivations in her actions to protect Solvi and secure her safe future. I didn't want to spend too much time really on season three since solvi is a baby and the more important stuff is really beginning in season 4 slowly only to move much faster in the romance stuff I know you guys are reading this for in Season 5.

Just a head's up, updates will more than likely take a little while. The episodes in these shows are long and there's a lot to sift through. Due to this, I'll try to make chapters shorter so updates are hopefully more frequent. For season 4, that shouldn't be a problem really because her involvement in the story as a child is less about the story and more really just to develop her character with her magic as a daughter of skade, and her identity as a dane. The writing in season 5 will be different as her interactions with characters and among the plot will be more involved.

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