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Solvi had gotten into a routine here in Saltwich: she watched from beside Aethelstan as he practiced his letters, Solvi copying them, and then proudly showed them off to Osferth, who smiled at the two children who seemed to be getting along, spent time with Stiorra who asked about life as a Dane and their shared culture, and later went to bed at night. Osferth had taken the time to teach Solvi some of the letters common in the Holy book, reading to her at night when the children were supposed to be put to sleep. Solvi and Aethelstan were quickly becoming inseparable in the days passing. Though they were a quiet pair, not the most expressive, they seemed to enjoy each other's company.

Currently, Solvi was sitting beside her new friend Aethelstan as he practiced his letters. She was not currently partaking, instead tending to her herb and plant collection. Aelfwynn was just outside, watching her birds in the cage. Stiorra was in the window up at the top of the house, looking out at the expansive fields around, watching for any oncoming riders, while her brother rested in the bed near her. Finan and Sihtric were playing a game with cups, which Finan was cheating at, and Osferth was reading from his book again.

"Was Bebbanburg as impressive as we were told as children?" Stiorra asked curiously.

"It was more so," Young Uhtred says, "and harder to attack."

"Do you think we'll ever return to it, or is it lost forever?"

"I don't think I will see it again in my lifetime." Young Uhtred sighs. He turns his head to his sister, "Perhaps our children will reclaim it."

Stiorra scoffs, turning her head to look out at the outside, "I do not want children. I'm tired of their company."

The peace was broken by the oncoming riders, and everyone went to hide. The men rode in and searched the premises, but they did not think to look through the foliage outside. This is where Young Uhtred crouched with Aelfwynn, Aethelstan, and Solvi.

At Finan's whistle, Young Uhtred helped the girl with the birds out of the bush, Solvi pulled Aethelstan up and with her back to the house, where they began to pack for their next adventure. They were leaving this place and traveling to safer ground so that Aelfwynn remained safe and out of the clutches of the lords who wanted to sell her off as a child bride to one of their men.

"Bread, water, and weapons. The rest we'll find on the road."

"Stiorra get the children on the cart," Uhtred commanded, and Solvi helped Stiorra with Aelfwynn and her caged birds, before she and Aethelstan climbed into the wagon. "We head north to Ceaster."

"Do you think we have enough?" Young Uhtred asks his father, "With children and a band of five?"

"It's only until Aethelflaed secures an agreement with her brother," Uhtred replies. "All will be made right."

"A traitor walks amongst old men, a thief carries a ring of power." Solvi murmurs out, "A friend comes to greet, healer and helper."

. . .

Solvi grows tired of Aelfwynn's cries for her mother, though the cough she has is concerning. She had tried to give the girl a concoction of herbs but the stubborn child had shied away and Solvi had not offered again.

Instead, the girl with hair the color of the silvery moon leaned into Aethelstan who quietly read his book, her head on his shoulder as he flipped through the pages slowly.

"Stop crying! I cannot bear it!" Stiorra complained as she and Young Uhtred rode on horses behind the carriage.

"Be kind!" Young Uhtred says to his sister. "She wants her mother."

The girl was a shieldmaiden in the waiting. She was fierce, with a dangerous temper, and much less patient compared to her much gentler brother. He was apparently a young man of his christian god.

"As do I, yet you see not any tears from my eyes," Solvi snaps, irritated.

"We survived without a mother," Stiorra interjects, before looking back towards Aelfwynn. "You must be stronger. Be grateful. Better this than being wed to an old man."

"A woman of sun-kissed hair approaches," Solvi says, watching the oncoming rider.

"I bring a message from Lady Aethelflaed," the woman says when she stops her horse.

"Did your brother send you?" Uhtred asks.

"No, he does not know I am here." The woman says, "He imprisoned Lady Aethelflaed, but I released her."

"Why should I believe you?"

"I do not lie."

"How did you find us?"

"Lady Aethelflaed said herself you spoke of traveling the road to Ceaster."

Sihtric rides back after scouting for anyone lying in wait, "There's no one else, Lord."

"And you took the road alone?" Uhtred asks the woman.

"Yes, and she wants you to meet her at the ruins of St. Milburg's Priory."

"St. Milburg is on the way to Wenloca," Young Uhtred says, "and we have passed it."

"It might be a trick to divert us," Finan says, arms crossed over his chest.

Eadith sighs, "I've done what I promised. You can choose to believe it or not."

"And where do you go?" Uhtred asks.

"I do not care." She says, facing her horse one way, chin up, "I have family in Frankia."

"That way is inland," Young Uhtred points out, the two siblings sharing an amused look.

"Ships come in near Ceaster." Uhtred says, "Travel with us, we will show you." He then turns to his loyal men, "If she is lying, at least she is under our control."

"I'm sick of being controlled," Eadith spat out.

Uhtred looked amused, nodding, "Then travel alone." After Eadith turns her horse around, he asks, "When did Aethelflaed leave?"

"Last night, in haste." Eadith answers, "Without much silver and only Lord Aldhelm to protect her."

"Then she may be at Wenloca already." Uhtred sighs, "We should ride back to meet her."

"Lord," Finan says, "We should not do this. If she found us, so can they."

Uhtred turns to Eadith, "Are you good with children?"

"Not really," the woman grimaces.

"Excellent, neither are we."


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