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Aelfwynn was able to get to a proper healer in time and was saved of the sickness. Solvi had tried to stay by her friend's side as she recovered, but was not allowed to stay within the palace of the Mercian royal family. Instead, she spent most of her time either with Aethelstan or Stiorra.

Passing out the grain to hungry peasants had been a nightmare, Stiorra had been shoved down and it only calmed when Uhtred came and put a stop to the mutiny. Later, Solvi was told by Uhtred and the other men to stay close to Aethelstan. It was safe here, but still dangerous for the boy in case his true identity was found out. Her staying close to him did not raise suspicions as she was also a child of the same age as him, perhaps a year or so older. Her being a Dane raised by Brida, however, meant she was smart and trained for self-defense at the very least, a true shieldmaiden warrior in training. She could protect Aethelstan at this time as they were placed under the additional guard of Father Pyrlig, who was also apparently a strong fighter.

That was how he was discovered by Aelswith, the queen-mother, the dowager, and widow of Alfred. She had found them when Pyrlig had guided them into a house full of beggars and peasants, giving them grain and a place for the two children to hide out in.

The next day, Aelswith had led the two away and into the palace (mainly because Solvi had refused to be parted from the boy, snarling and barring her teeth like a feral animal when she had tried). Only her explanation of saying she had promised Uhtred she would protect him did the stern woman of their christian god soften and allow her additional presence. But Edward had rejected his son. Solvi glared at the man, not understanding how he could not accept his son. He was his firstborn, did that not mean anything to the man? Saxons were strange.

Solvi held his hand tightly for comfort as Aelswith lead them away.

"Who might you be?" Aelswith asked softly as she finally turned to the two, once they were in a different room.

"Solvi," the girl answered shortly. "I am Stan's protector."

The two children smiled at each other at the little nickname.

"I see," Aelswith nodded, "You are a mighty one, I see," The woman smiled, endeared by the two children. "You are, I presume, one of Uhtreds?"

Solvi nodded, as the two looked around the place, a little mezmorized. "I was told that he took me in when my birth mother cursed him. Later, when he had killed her to break the curse, I was given over to my mother Brida, who raised me. She has trained me to be a strong warrior, so now I can help protect my friends, Stan and Aelfwynn."

"You are a Dane," Aelswith breathes out. She knew it already, having been able to tell by the braids in her hair, the clothes she wore, the fact that she was fierce like a feral animal and held weapons on her person, however small they were for a young child such as herself. But the confirmation of her parentage and history had not been expected. She assumed she had just been a bastard of Uhtred's, perhaps, or another one of his band of pretty men.

But the pale hair, the ice eyes, the runes on her body from what she could see of her face, this girl was the offspring of that witch. Raised by that feral warrior she-wolf Brida. And now, taken under the protection and custody of Uhtred.

As much as she did not like Danes, she could admit, Solvi would be a perfect protector of her grandson, Aethelstan. She had the same kind of loyal heart as Uhtred, she would go to the ends of the earth to ensure no harm befell the bastard prince.

. . .

With Aelfwynn better, and Aethelstan under the protection of Aelswith, they were all allowed to play again. They mostly took to the swings, the two children on them, while Solvi pushed Aelfwynn from behind. Solvi laughed carefreely as she watched the two compete on who could get higher on their swings.

"Solvi! Look how high I'm going!" Aethelstan exclaimed excitedly.

"Push me harder!" Aeflwynn said, competitive, as she wanted to get higher than him. "Cmon Solvi, harder! Higher! Higher!"

Solvi giggled, "Well, instead of doing that, why don't I just do... this!" She tackled Aethelstan off the swing and the two began to roll around in the grass, wrestling. The three children shrieked with laughter.

Aeflwynn stayed on her swing while the other two began to play fight. Eadith was holding onto Solvi's belt of knives and herbs she kept on hand to ensure there would be no accidents while they played.

Eventually, the two began to giggle as Solvi once again pinned him to the ground, winning. "Haha! I beat you again!"

"I can't help it! You're stronger than me!" Aethelstan said, smiling wildly.

"My knight in shining armor!" Aeflwynn swooned, with made the three of them laugh.

Aethelflaed approached, causing Eadith to stand up, while the three kids continued to play, in their own world. "Lady Aethelflaed."

"You can sit," Aethelflaed smiled. She glanced at the three kids, Solvi now helping Aethelstan back onto the swing and pushing him up into the air once more. The two royal children talking about going higher to touch the sky. "I was wrong to doubt you. You delivered my message to Lord Uhtred as you said you would."

"I was happy to be of assistance." Eadith smiled.

"And I am told you cared for Aeflwynn on the road, cooled her fever."

"She is a fearless child, much like the other two. The three of them are thick as thieves, I'm afraid." Eadith smiled back at Aethelflaed, after the two watched the three children. "It must be in her blood."

"The child is fond of you," Aethelflaed noted.

"And I, her." She looked down for a second, before hopefully proposing, "Perhaps I could be of use to her here."

Aethelflaed said nothing, instead, after a moment, said softly, "I am curious. Why did you reveal Eardwulf as Aethelred's murderer?"

Eadith sighed, "Eardwulf may be my brother, but I knew what he did was wrong. I choose to be loyal to you and Lord Uhtred because I believe in what you and he are doing.

The two looked back at the children, watching as Solvi stood from the ground, showing them a ladybug. "The cold waters prove clarity," Solvi mutters, "Long lasting peace spreads, but conflict unresolved remains."

The two woman furrowed their brows at the Dane girl. "I am told by Uhtred that she is magical, in their culture." Eadith remarks lightly, studying the girl. "She speaks in riddles but she knows things she couldn't have ever known."

Aethelflaed sighs, "They call her a Völva, if I am not mistaken. Among her people, she is considered a seer and witch."

"She helped me," Eadith admits, drawing Aethelflaed's curious attention. "When we were on the road, she was able to help me maintain Aeflwynn's health. And she protected the other children when we were surrounded by my brother's men. She'll be a strong and loyal warrior, I suspect, when she grows older."

"I believe the same." Aethelflaed admits. "Although I feel concerned over her perceived magical abilities. Her mother had been a force of darkness. I just hope she remains on the path of light."

"I am sure, with Uhtred's continued guidance, she will." Eadith declares.


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