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After the fateful battle that lead to the death of Aethelwold and the passage of Ragnar to Valhalla, Brida made a deal with Uhtred. She would take in Skade's child, and raise her in the ways of their people, to ensure that the mother's wishes of the girl learning Seidr being accomplished. Instead of becoming tainted by the dark sacrifices of black magic, Solvi's magical education would only ensure she learned the natural ways of the earthly elements, as well as nurturing her seeress abilities. She would be more than her mother was. She would become a healer, a seeress, a magical woman that could help them in battle and also in their day-to-day.

Brida would forge that little girl into a warrior, one who wouldn't experience the hardships that she had gone through. She would forever be free, fierce, and every bit the warrior and seer she was born to be. Uncorrupted by the wiles of her dark magic wielding mother or held back by the burdens of the Saxon's and their stupid rules that Uhtred was so fond of protecting.

Little Solvi would be the strength of a new generation of Danes. She would be the child that Brida herself had never gotten to have. She was everything.

. . .

"Solvi!" Brida called out, after playing a game of chase and capture with Cnut's two sons, instructing them what to do if they were ever taken prisoner by outsiders. Her sole charge was playing in the forest, too, traipsing along with the insects and animals, climbing and walking along the logs of fallen trees and over towards a small stream covered in rocks and moss.

It was there she had gathered some mud and herbs, twigs and washed up bones of fishes, creating a small altar to practice concentration and focus for her visions. She needed to see more clearly. It wasn't vivid enough, she needed the fuzziness to fade.

Much of Solvi's dreams were different, but all of her early visions shared the same detail: her dreams were brutal, gruesome, violent. From the time she could remember, she was called a witch and a seer, being corrupted of the Christian's devil. Solvi Skadesdottir, first and foremost, dreamt of her mother's death. The woman died in darkness, in water, a bloodless death.

Her mother had been beautiful, sharing very many of the same features as Solvi, but Solvi would not be like her. She had learned from Brida that her mother Skade dealt with dark magic, leaning closer to its darkness than the natural magic of the earth they were connected to. Solvi would not be a seductress, nor would she ever want to die for a man who did not love her. She wanted the love that Brida had shared with Ragnar, a great and noble warrior who had been slain much too early.

After some time, the images cleared in her head and Solvi sighed, cleaning away her little station and returning the materials to where they belonged. Still having extra time to spare before she would be taken back to the camp filled with their people, she picked more flowers to place into her hair. Recreating a vision that persisted, a small, silver circlet with a jewel centered.

"I am here." The girl appeared, looking like a fallen star with her shining hair and pale skin, dressed in the same dark tunic and pants, boots, with a cloak wrapped securely around her as everyone else. Thor's hammer hanging from her neck and hair braided expertly by Brida earlier that morning. Her hair was decorated with flowers and pretty little plants, twisted into her hair to make a small circlet crown.

"What have you been doing?" Brida asked curiously, in her usual lilting tone, inspecting the girl who was covered in some dirt, some parts stained green from the foliage around, and covered in plants.

"I had a dream," Solvi states, "So I went to the stream for some herbs and plants. Just like how you've taught me."

"And what did you see?"

"Darkness, and then a line of fire. Men fell, dressed in red, bathed in red and orange. Stuck with flying fire." Solvi recited, before peering up at the woman.

She withheld the vision she had seen of a man with a scarred face and long hair calmly watching the scene and directing the turning tide of a battle that was always going to play in his victory. She did not speak of the young woman who appeared next, sending him a fleeting smile on horseback beside him.

The last time she had spoken of a man, a blonde one who laughed hard and played happily in games, only to be struck down by a tiny one-eyed rat had driven Brida to tears. Solvi didn't understand why, but she would never forget. Brida was not her mother, but she may as well be. She was kind to Solvi and helped her grow her powers and connection to the earth. She trained her hard to be a warrior like her, so that she would always be free and safe.

"Come, it's time to get back to the settlement." Brida said, ushering the girl away from the forest and back to the camp. They were packing up, going to war with Mercia in a surprise attack as they had the Saxons believe they were retreating to Irland for a cousin of Cnut, named Sigtryggr.

Later that night, she told Cnut of the child's vision and they decided at all costs to avoid nighttime battle. For the fire would strike them down surely.

That night Solvi dreamed of a sullen, solemn boy, who spoke little, but smiled at her in such a warm kindness in his dark eyes she felt herself smile in return.

. . .

"Boys, come here," Cnut said, bringing the two boys closer to the three adults. Solvi followed, watching on curiously. Cnut kneeled down to address his two sons, saying, "I want you to go with our friend Haesten. He will take you North until our campaign is over."

"Should they not witness the battle? I know it's dangerous but–"

"There will be battles to come," Cnut replied, "Today, they are too young." He stood up straight, "Haesten, attend to them. Teach them nothing you know." Haesten chuckled, watching as Cnut led his boys away, helping them prepare for their journey.

Solvi looked away from him and the other man named Haesten, looking at Brida curiously. She smiled, placing a hand on Solvi's shoulder, "Perhaps you should go with them?"

Solvi made a face, not really getting along with Cnuts two sons. They were soft, coddled almost. Crying easily and scared even easier.

"No? Then you shall stay at my side." Brida smiled, before pushing Solvi away so she could go find her bed. The night was one of few they would get to sleep peacefully, and Solvi needed her sleep for her dreams. Her dreams, her visions, would prove beneficial.


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