chapter six

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wednesday was in her room again. she was supposed to be working on her new novel but she couldn't bring herself to as she got caught up in her thoughts and wanted to try and figure out more about tyler and more specifically, hydes.

she knew she could ask him for his experience but she wasn't sure how willing he'd be to share that, depending on how bad it was. she figured he'd rather not talk about it. and his experience wouldn't necessarily be the same for all hydes anyways.

but getting information from him would definitely be a start. though she knew it would be a risk, if she asked him to open up. because then she may pity him and feel bad and she didn't want to do that but she also wanted to learn the truth, the full story.

she wanted to know if she had been wrong to hate him.

so, she got up and made her way to his room and knocked. when there was no response she got a little annoyed, thinking maybe he was purposefully ignoring her, "tyler!" when there was still silence she tried to open the door but realized it was locked.

a couple of ideas went through her mind of why he'd have the door locked and not be answering so she pulled out a bobby pin from her hair and used it to unlock the door.

once she got in she noticed the window was open and felt the cool breeze from outside hit her face which sent chills down her spine. she felt like something wasn't right.

"tyler?" she questioned, still unsure if he was in the room or not. she figured not but she wanted to make sure.

she moved closer to the window to look out when a creature suddenly jumped through and tackled her to the floor. surely enough it was the hyde and she stared into its eyes, wondering if it would try to kill her again.

it stared back, breathing heavily as it had a clawed hand pressing down on her chest and slightly closing around her throat. she knew she had every reason to be scared because of the last time the hyde had her but she wasn't scared at all.

she had faith tyler would realize what he was doing and come back to. and she was right because after a moment the hand left and the hyde went to hide on the other side of the room past the bed.

she figured it was because he was transforming back so she gave him his privacy, patiently waiting where she was as she only sat up.

she knew he was back when his head peeked up from the other side and met her gaze. he looked scared, almost panicked as he quickly looked away.

"i'm sorry," he spoke up after an awkward moment of silence. he refused to move, feeling embarrassed.

"get some clothes on," she replied simply. she wanted to get started with the conversation and didn't care that his hyde had tackled her. she was unscathed and he had proved he had some control over it by transforming back before it hurt her.

he gave her a look which made her want to roll her eyes, "i trust you won't let your hyde hurt me now that laurel is no longer controlling you."

"why? i don't have that much control yet... it still has a mind of its own." he had finally stood up and moved to the dresser to pull out some clothes to put on, some more old ones of her dad's.

she moved to close the window as she let him put the clothes on, "i think your romantic feelings will overpower the hyde's urge to kill me... that is, if they are real." that was something she had been wondering about ever since she found out he was the hyde.

"they are... they always have been. they just got turned into something worse because of her," he appeared behind wednesday as he pulled the drapes shut, causing the room to become a lot darker. wednesday supposed it fit the mood.

"then yes, i trust you won't let your hyde kill me. if it does, that'll be my mistake," she responded, turning around to face him.

"i'll try my best," he gave her a small lopsided smile.

"good, that's the least i expect from you."

"what else do you expect?" he gave her a quizzical expression.

"information. i'd like to know more about your hyde." she lowered her gaze away from his, "only if you'd be willing to share though."

tyler thought about it for a moment, feeling conflicted. he wanted to share it to her so she could understand more what he went through but he also hated talking about it and being reminded of the memories.

but he knew if dr. kinbott was still alive that she'd tell him to talk about it because that would be better than keeping it all bottled in which can have negative effects.

wednesday waited rather patiently for him to answer as she brought her hands behind her back and brought her gaze back up to meet his hazel eyes that she could easily tell were struggling, "you don't have to."

"no, i will," he replied sternly.

she rose an eyebrow at him, "really?"

"yeah, it'll probably be helpful," he said back. he knew it likely would be, for both of them.

"excellent, let's begin then," she stated as she went to light one of the candles on the nightstand next to the bed, she didn't want this conversation to be so in the dark.

once she completed that she sat down on the bed, gesturing for tyler to sit down next to her. she hoped this would help her understand him more. he hoped it would let her see that he wasn't the bad guy and never had been.

that she could trust him again.

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