chapter twelve

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y'all are in for a treat this chapter, be prepared.


wednesday was not disrupted by tyler again until early in the morning. she was going to get up soon anyways so she went back to his room and woke him up in a similar fashion to how she had the night before.

after she asked him if the medicine helped and he answered, he asked her a question. one he had already technically asked but she hadn't been expecting it again so soon and especially not now, "do you still have feelings for me?"

she had simply come to check up on him, she didn't want to get into this.

"why are you so insistent on knowing how i feel about you?" she asked back, giving him a small glare.

she was being defensive which gave tyler his answer right away but he still tried, wanting confirmation, "just answer the question wednesday, do you?"

"bold of you to assume i ever did," she countered, letting out a sort of snicker, though it was a nervous one.

"you kissed me first," he pointed out to her.

"that was a mistake." only because of the vision. if she hadn't had the vision, it probably wouldn't have been. she wouldn't tell him that though, of course.

he faked getting stabbed in the heart, "ouch. i guarantee it wouldn't have been if you hadn't had that vision during."

she was half convinced he could read her mind sometimes, she felt she couldn't keep anything from him, at least not for long.

she kept her facade up though, not wanting him to realize he knew her thoughts and worse, her feelings, "debatable."

"you'll just have to see when you have one without a vision then," he said back, sort of cockily as he gave her what was an attempt of a flirty smile but it made him look more like a dork than anything.

she rolled her eyes, "are you trying to convince me to kiss you?"

"is it working?" he smiled normally, warmly. the smile of his that she adored so much.

"no." it totally was. she did want to again sometime, just to see if she would have a vision again during and to see how it would feel without one. she wanted to again too because she had liked it.

but she reminded herself they were meant to be friends still. it had only been a couple days. not even a week.

"do you trust me?" he brought a hand up as he gently caressed her face for a moment before taking a strand of her loose hair and twirling it between his thumb and fore finger.

"yes but that doesn't mean we can pick up right where we ended." she didn't think they could a couple days ago but now, she wasn't as convinced.

"is that just a rule you made for yourself?"

"yes and i think that's a perfectly acceptable one," while she was giving him an annoyed look, she made no effort to move away from his touch.

"you do have a way of breaking some rules," he pointed out.

"you're trying too hard," it came out more raspy and nervous than she wanted, betraying all the white lies she had been trying to tell him.

"getting on your nerves will never become boring," he smiled. a smile that made butterflies fly into wednesday's stomach. a smile that made her want to kiss him. but she knew she shouldn't give in so easily. so soon. as much as she wanted to.

tyler could unfortunately read her well, "you're conflicted."

she gave him another glare but didn't deny it.

"let me make it easy for you," and with that he leaned forward and brought his lips very close to hers but didn't let them touch. he'd let her do that, he'd let her decide since she was the one more opposed. if she closed the gap that would be on her.

"you don't have to," he whispered. he was giving her a choice.

while wednesday would never admit it she couldn't take it anymore as she pressed her lips against his, closing the gap between them with a surprisingly soft kiss.

he kissed back and it didn't last as long as either of them wanted. she had pulled away after a couple seconds and stared at him incredulously.

"you made the choice," he told her with a slight smirk, obviously happy.

"i'm well aware, thank you," she said back as she let out a breath. she wanted more. there had been no vision that time and it was nice... to actually be able to enjoy it and melt into it.

that didn't mean she wasn't worried she'd have another vision during though, that's why she had cut it short.

she was interrupted from her thoughts when tyler connected their lips again, gently, a nonverbal way of telling her she could pull away if she wanted to. she didn't though and kissed back with a bit more force, her way of telling him she wanted it. and that she had for longer than she would admit.

this kiss lasted longer and it was soft and gentle but still filled with passion as they were using this as a way to communicate their feelings to each other not through words, especially since wednesday had a hard time with that.

after a minute or so she pulled away again and rested her head against his, catching her breath. they stayed like that for a bit until she pulled away and stood up, getting ready to leave.

"you're going to leave after all that?" he asked. he was joking of course, only to tease her. he was giddy, his face still flushed from their kiss.

she rolled her eyes playfully at his words before turning a little more serious, "i despise what you've done to me." while she did, she wasn't mad at him for it. and she only had herself to blame anyways.

he let out a sort of amused scoff as she left, knowing she had broken the one rule she had given herself. and just like she had expected though, she had done nothing to stop it. she really was good at breaking certain rules. especially any that related to tyler galpin.

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