chapter seven

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(a little tw/cw for this chapter - it includes mentions of torture and abxse as well as negative self talk/wishes of dexth, etc. as well as scars. if you'd rather not read this chapter for these reasons that's completely okay! your mental health comes first.)


after tyler had sat down wednesday immediately started with the questions, "my first question is did you have to follow all of laurel's orders?"

the boy let out a breath, this was going to be harder than he thought. he looked at her hoping maybe he'd be met with some comforting eyes but it was just her normal neutral expression, though full of a bit of curiosity and interest. "yeah, since she was my master i had to obey her orders otherwise i'd be met with consequences."

"what kind of consequences?"

she noticed his expression darken as it became pained and she went to retract her statement and tell him he didn't have to answer when he turned away from her, letting his back face her as he took off his shirt, exposing his back that was lined with tons of scars.

wednesday immediately knew what it meant. and she felt her heart sink slightly, "she turned to torture and abuse?" she personally wasn't necessarily against either of those if the person deserved it but tyler hadn't at all. she was starting to realize he was a kind soul who had gotten taken advantage of in a disgustingly terrible way.

tyler struggled to get his reply out, "y-yeah."

wednesday instinctively reached out and gently traced the scar that looked the most recent, the last one he had gotten before she killed laurel. before he became free of her.

tyler flinched slightly and tensed up so she pulled away, "sorry."

he shook his head lightly, "it's okay, just stings."

"how often did she do this?" she could gage a guess based on the amount of scars he had but she was curious and wanted to hear it from his perspective.

"it was a lot at first because i didn't want to be in any part of her plan but it decreased because i couldn't bear the pain of it anymore. i know it was selfish that i chose to murder innocent people over being chained to a wall and left bleeding in a cave."


"what?" he was confused.

"that wasn't selfish, it was self defense. you were doing what you had to to survive."

"i don't know why i did, sometimes i wanted her to kill me so i could be put out of my misery all together. so i could rid the world of a monster like me but..."


his voice finally broke, "she made sure i wouldn't do that."

he turned back around to see wednesday's eyes full of much more emotion than they've ever been.

wednesday was overflowing with emotions, feeling sadness and sympathy for the boy and she wanted to hate it but couldn't, hearing his words almost pained her in a way. to know what had been done to him for him to turn into the monster. a monster he didn't even want to be. her heart ached.

"are you going to stay?" she got out after a moment, the question coming out as more of a plea than anything, which surprised them both.

tyler didn't answer which made wednesday lower her head to meet his gaze, "tyler."

"why should i? sure i can probably learn to control it but what if someone else tries to become my master and make me do terrible things? besides, i don't think i can live with what i've done. i'm a monster, a terrible person."

"you have to remember you're different than the monster. it's not your fault, tyler." she insisted. it was just the truth and she didn't want him to blame himself.

"i just feel like i should've done more to stop it." he wasn't meeting her gaze.

"there wasn't much you could do. laurel took advantage of you."

"i killed and hurt people. i hurt you."

"but i believe you can get to a point where you won't ever again."

"yeah, i won't if i'm dead."


"what, wednesday? it would be better for everyone."

wednesday harshly grabbed his chin and made him look at her. "you're not going to do that," it came off harsh and as a demand like he had no choice, but this was her way of telling him she wanted him to stay. despite everything.

that she forgave him. that she cared. that she maybe even still wanted him.

tyler wanted to argue but the look in her eyes made him retreat as he pulled away and took in a breath. he was surprised that this much emotion had come from the girl. he didn't fully understand why she had reacted so strongly but he couldn't say no to wednesday addams.

"you can ask your other questions another time," he said simply, feeling if she stayed any longer he'd start crying and he didn't want to do that.

"until then, will you stay?" she asked as she stood up. her expression was serious and stern but it made tyler happy to know that she did care whether or not he lived or died. all hope wasn't lost.

he looked back at her and despite all the feelings he was feeling at the moment he managed a small smile, "for you, yeah."

wednesday nodded and even though she didn't smile, her eyes said it all before she left.

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