chapter twenty two

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tw: mentions/slight descriptions of wound


morticia sought out her daughter, telling her to join her in her medicine room. wednesday did so without question or argument, figuring it would be about what had just happened. and while the girl didn't really want to discuss it, she knew they probably had to. it would be for the best, to figure out where they'd go from here since things had taken a turn for the worst.

when she got to the small room she moved to stand by the table tyler had helped her out on, letting her eyes wander to her mother who was standing by the cabinet.

"i know you may not want to talk right now darling, but i wanted to apply some medicine to your neck, to ensure it won't get infected, if that's okay?" morticia knew well enough by now to respect wednesday's boundaries. that was something she had learned when her daughter was quite young, really.

wednesday nodded simply, making an effort to prop herself up so she could sit back on the table, figuring it would allow her mom to have better access to her neck. she knew better than to question her mom about what she thought of tyler's capability in caring for her neck. she just wanted to take precautions, since tyler only knew so much. which was fair.

morticia smiled as she approached her, opening a vial and pouring some of the liquid from it out onto a cotton ball before gently pressing it against the wound, dabbing it around to make sure to cover it all with a decent amount. it didn't look too deep luckily, which was a good thing. but you could never be too careful with an injury like this. she wanted to ensure she had as speedy of a recovery as she could. and she knew the wound would be uncomfortable for a while as it healed so she wanted to speed that process up.

a couple minutes into it wednesday absentmindedly spoke, obviously confused, "i don't understand why he did it."

"why the hyde hurt you?" morticia wanted to clarify.

"yeah. just a couple days ago tyler told me how the hyde doesn't hate me anymore, so why would he hurt me now?" she sounded hurt which wasn't an emotion  the girl showed often.

"i hate to say it but he was probably trying to get you and tyler to believe that so he could strike when unexpected. he sounds like he may be manipulative," the concerned mother told her honestly. she knew creatures like that could be that way. not all, of course. since she herself barely knew anything about them too. she hoped she was wrong in her theory.

"so how can we really know what he thinks? cause i can't be around him safely unless his hyde does like me and doesn't want to hurt me and if he's lying how can we truly figure out how he feels?" she rambled back, obviously stressed about the situation.

"i'm not sure if there's a way for that or not. maybe only you can tell, with your visions, since they are supposed to show the dark things. maybe they'll tell you his intentions and if they ever become good your visions relating to the hyde would likely disappear," she suggested. that was a possibility at least, she had no idea how true that was or not. while she could offer her daughter some advice on visions she couldn't tell her everything since their type of visions are polar opposites.

wednesday didn't seem too thrilled by that information and after a moment of thought morticia added, "i could be entirely wrong though. the hyde may not be manipulative at all and may actually like you. so, alternatively, it could be your visions only making things seem worse than they truly are. to put the hyde in a bad light since they're known to be dangerous. your visions are meant to show the darker side of things, but that doesn't always mean they'll always be true." that was what was tricky about living with visions. they can never be trusted all the time so sometimes it makes you question reality. sometimes they make you unsure of what to believe.

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