chapter nineteen

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tw/cw: mentions of murder attempt/killing, a lot of negative thoughts, etc. just in general this chapter is pretty depressing and emotional so just be warned before you read.


tyler gave her a small comforting smile before he dove into the questions, making wednesday immediately wish she wasn't as vulnerable as she was at the moment, "you're having visions about me, aren't you?"

she was caught a little off guard. at least he had kept his promise and it wasn't a question about her feelings for him but she almost felt this was worse. she didn't want to talk about her visions but she didn't want to lie to him either.

she slowly nodded as she closed her journal and set it to the side, not wanting to say anything yet unless he pried more, which she knew he would.

"are they bad?" he asked next, his expression growing concerned and she wished she could read his mind.

she hesitated, feeling conflicted. he noticed her unusual silence and took it back, "you don't have to answer if you're not comfortable with it."

she nodded, "i know." she let out a sigh as she met his gaze, "i have been avoiding telling you, i haven't wanted to... but you deserve to know."

he swallowed nervously, knowing they had to be bad because of her words.

she took that as a sign to continue so she took in a breath before starting to explain, "i had one in the form of a nightmare a couple days ago, i had it before your hyde said those things to me that one night... it was similar to what had happened in that vision but not fully, luckily."

he furrowed his eyebrows, "what happened in the vision?"

"your hyde had me by the throat and was talking like he was going to kill me," she said bluntly. there was no getting past this anymore so she figured she might as well just be completely honest. she'd spare the details though, he didn't need to know that much. besides, things seemed better now so hopefully these visions were nothing to worry about anymore.

his face fell and he immediately looked apologetic. she could tell an apology was about to come out of his mouth and she wasn't going to let it happen, "don't apologize. there's nothing to apologize for. it was a vision, it didn't actually happen. i don't think it will, that one at least. things seem okay but i don't know, they concern me as they've gotten worse in a way but maybe they're not to be trusted this time."

she realized she had failed at trying to comfort him when he asked, "what do you mean they've gotten worse?"

she took in another breath before letting it out, "they're less like my old visions, they've become more realistic and... concerning, especially when i'm close to you."

"how so?"

"the other night when you asked me if i was okay, i had a vision where in the reflection of the window i saw you turn into the hyde and one of your claws was hovering over one of my shoulders. it dug into it and strangely, i could feel it. but it didn't happen, when i came back to, you were holding me gently, looking concerned and normal. no claws out at all." she shut her eyes for a moment, wishing she didn't remember the vision so vividly, or the pain it had caused for the short second it had seemed real.

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