chapter eighteen

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tw/cw for this chapter: brief mentions of killing, curse words at the very end.


the next day wednesday was like tyler's alarm, going into his room a little after she woke up and pulling the drapes open. the rising sun shining through the windows was enough to wake him as he groaned and brought an arm across his eyes as he turned away from it.

when he didn't make any effort to get up she went over to him and pulled off the covers. she was thankful he didn't sleep naked and so was he.

"hey!" he exclaimed and she just gave him a deadpan look from the edge of the bed.

he sat up as he rubbed his eyes, "why are you waking me up so early?"

"it's not that early," she stated back simply which made him decide to grab his phone from the nightstand and check the time. it was eight in the morning.

"you and i have very different definitions of what's early. i like to sleep in, in case you didn't know," he told her as he turned his phone off and set it back where it was.

she gave him a slightly amused look and it made him wonder if she was only doing this to annoy him.

"do you have a reason for this or not?" he asked when she didn't speak, wanting to know what this was for. he hated getting up so early and wanted to sleep more since he had gotten to bed late.

"i want to work on some other ways for you to get your emotions out today. today we're going to go outside. early morning is the best time of day for that, it's the most relaxing," she finally explained as she moved to stand back by the window, looking out into the forest.

tyler nodded a little as he stretched, "you know i do that on my own sometimes already, right?"

she looked back at him with a raised eyebrow, "you do?" she hadn't known for sure, she had hoped he did and was glad to find out he actually did.


"that's good," she replied and he hummed in response before getting up and going through the dresser, trying to figure out what to wear today.

"any idea of the weather right now?" he asked her.

"it's a bit chilly," she replied as she looked back at him for a moment. he nodded as he pulled out a sweater and some khakis and she looked away, respecting his privacy to get dressed.

"i don't see why it matters if you're going to transform," she added subconsciously as an after thought. it was more of an assumption. she figured it would make sense though to let the hyde out and roam around sometimes, so it wouldn't try to come out at other times.

"i'm more careful with that now. since i have more control over when i transform i try not to ruin clothes," he explained simply as she heard some rustling of fabric, signaling he was working on getting dressed.

"i see," is all she said in response. she was getting lost looking into the woods and suddenly remembered what happened last night when she was looking out the window. at that reminder she quickly turned away from the glass, directing her gaze to the floor.

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