chapter fifteen

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tw/cw: this chapter includes brief mentions of blood/a gash and talk about hurting oneself/self harm, negative self talk and an indirect mention of sewerslide. read at your own discretion, your mental health is more important <3


the next day wednesday completely avoided tyler even though he tried to approach her multiple times. she knew he was wanting to apologize since it had likely been the hyde side of him but she wasn't sure how well she could handle that.

it had hurt her more than she wanted. because of the words he said and because she knew he was doing it even though he didn't want to. it meant his hyde still had some control over him and she didn't want it to be that way. and she especially didn't want the hyde to hurt her.

she trusted tyler but she couldn't trust his hyde. she wasn't sure if there was anything she could do about it and that terrified her, knowing the boy she cared about very well could be the one who ended her life. all because of some monster that was apart of him. that he had been born with.

towards the end of the day she finally let him approach her while she was in the study looking for some books, trying to find answers, anything that would help. she had taken her mother's suggestions but she was trying to find others too. she moved to set the books she had in her hands down on a desk before standing next to it and looking at him. he was standing in the doorway.

"i'm sorry wednesday, i know you're mad," he started, she noticed how he was keeping a good distance between them, he had only taken a couple steps into the room. like he was afraid to come any closer. and in all honesty, she didn't blame him. she wasn't sure if she wanted to be too close to him herself.

"we need to try and get rid of or control your hyde, that's the problem. not you," she responded simply, still hoping that was the truth.

he nodded, "yeah... i don't know if that's possible though." his expression turned grim and she could tell he was exhausted, letting her know he did have trouble with his hyde last night.

"we can try," she stated stubbornly, determined. there had to be some way, right?

he nodded again as he bit his lips lightly, a tell that he was anxious.

"usually what your hyde says in regards to your feelings is false, correct?" she then asked. she wanted to clarify that fact but also wanted his answer to comfort herself. to remind her that he hadn't meant what the hyde said to her.

tyler nodded once more, "yeah. that's why i hate it, it does and says things i don't want to."

"i'm not mad. i just have to remind myself not to take the hyde's words to heart," she responded honestly. she wasn't mad, it just had been unexpected and made her worried. she wasn't sure if she was going to tell tyler about the vision or not. she doubted it would change anything.

"did you?"

she paused for a moment, letting her gaze fall to the floor before responding, being vulnerable, "it's hard not to."

"i'm so-"

she quickly looked back up at him, "there's no need to apologize. i just needed some time."


the lighting was dim but when he turned to leave she noticed a shimmer on his left arm, a shimmer of blood, like a gash existed.

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