Chapter 1- The change

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I'm scared..

Mpreg is normally my thing but ABO?....

Lets find out.... Here we go!!


'As we grow and mature each and every day, we begin to notice that opportunities are presented to us more often than we realize. However, do we see them? To give any recognition, we first must be willing to not only open our eyes but our hearts as well, because one day, an important opportunity may come forth, which if used wisely, can alter your life dramatically.'

Slouching over the black leather chair, Harry rocks back and forth as he watches the 'seconds' hand on the wall clock inch further and further towards the twelve. Sitting alone in his office, it's quiet as he chews the end of his pen, keeping his eyes peeled to the time.

Tick- tock, tick-tock, tick-tock

As soon as it strikes midnight, he inhales sharply, feeling the air suffocate his lungs.

Great, it's now the 28th of September 2023.

Most pack leaders around the world would be jumping for joy and celebrating right now, and why wouldn't they? Tonight is the night of what some might call a blessing, while others may deem it cruel. Harry has only been the pack leader for two years, and within that time, he has matured and gained experience rapidly, ensuring strong connections within the entire community and surrounding packs. He has worked extremely hard to get where he is today, having spent long nights in the office, endlessly putting everyone else's wellbeing before his own.

When his father passed away unexpectedly, Harry stepped up to his rightful place, eager to fulfil his legacy. Many people would love to be in Harry's shoes right now with the once in a lifetime eclipse happening over the next 24 hours. For centuries, and with not much history being known or understood about the event, every fifty years something special dawns upon the moon affecting every pack around the world.

For two hours only and commonly between the hours of eight and ten pm, the colour of the crescent changes from white to a striking dark red. It's a beautiful sight to see, according to the elders who have been lucky enough to witness it once or twice. So why does it frighten so many people?

The answer is simple.

Not only does the colour change, but there's a powerful energy that emits from its core. A force so strong it has alphas, betas, and omegas shaking with fear.

Within the time frame allocated, any alpha leader has the opportunity to change someone's life in the most unprecedented way. It can be a time of pleasure for both the alpha or chosen wolf, but it can also be nothing but agony for an unsuspecting chosen one.

You see, when or if an alpha makes the decision, he can ultimately change the secondary gender of anyone they choose. For example, an alpha can turn another alpha into a beta or omega and so forth.

It doesn't matter if the chosen person agrees or disagrees, they have no choice. Once the decision is made, there is no turning back. All it takes to seal the the alpha's howl to the moon proclaiming their intentions positioned around a fire, where the permanent change will take place immediately.

Letting out a loud sigh as he stands, Harry begins pacing the room as his mind is thrown into overdrive.


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