Chapter 12- Nothing needs to be said

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So this is sort of just a short little 4.5k word fluffy chapter. Well the best I could do anyway with the current situations. Kind of thought you need it, its sort like the calm RIGHT before the storm. 👀😂
This is just a filler chapter.


'An omega glows beautifully when they are loved correctly, and treated properly. The calm before the storm is like the silence before an Alphas roar, a moment of anticipation before the action begins. Storms can cause a lot of damage but they can also bring forth the rainbow.'


Louis wakes up to the sound of birds chirping outside the window. He can feel the warmth of the sun on his face, and he can't help but feel buoyant. He jumps out of bed, feeling more energized and hopeful than he has in weeks. As he makes his way to the kitchen, he can hear the soft sounds of the radio playing in the background. He hums along to the tune, feeling carefree and content.

As he enters the kitchen, he can smell the aroma of eggs and bacon cooking on the stove. It's a comforting smell, one that reminds him of his childhood. Louis' mum is standing at the stove, her hair tied back in a messy bun. She smiles at Louis as he enters the room, her eyes crinkling at the corners.

"Good morning, sunshine," she says, her voice filled with warmth. "What's got you up so early?"

Louis grins, feeling a sense of joy wash over him. "I don't know," he says, shrugging his shoulders. "I just woke up feeling great this morning."

His mum laughs, shaking her head. "Well, I'm glad to see you in such a good mood," she says. "You're never up earlier than me, and the fact you woke up voluntarily, well that's saying something!" She laughs.

Louis chuckles, feeling light-hearted and carefree.

" You don't want some of this?"

Louis shyly shakes his head no as Jay hums in acceptance. He starts to prepare an omelette, his movements fluid and easy. He can feel the heat of the stove on his face, and he can hear the sizzle of the eggs as they hit the pan.

As he cooks, he can't help but feel grateful for his family. He had apologized to his mum and sister last night for his behavior the other day, and he can feel the weight of that apology finally lifted off his shoulders. It's a beautiful day outside, and he's at home surrounded by the people he loves. What could possibly make this day any better?

His phone vibrates in his pocket as he whips it out quickly. He is slightly skeptical about who it is, as the sun is only just beginning to rise.

A message.
A text message from Harry.
He hasn't even read it yet, but here he is already failing to suppress the happiness as he grins. Reading it, he puts it back into his pocket and resumes his attention back to the pan.

As he finishes cooking his omelette, his mind is already racing. He can't wait to start the day, to see what other joys it will bring.
Well, he knows of one anyway.

Louis looks down at his plate, feeling a sense of pride at what he had produced. He's never been much of a cook, but he's starting to realize how much he enjoys it. He looks over at his mum, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Hey, mum," he says, his voice soft. "Do you think you could teach me how to cook, like properly?"

Jay looks up from her own cooking, a look of surprise spread across her face. "You... cook?" she jokes, a sarcastic smirk forming.

Louis feels himself slightly turning red, feeling a little bashful.

"Well, I wanna try." he says, his voice low. "I kind of feel like I should learn, you know? Now that I'm an adult and an omega and all."

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