Chapter 7 -🧁Cupcakes🧁

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‘Friendship is the comfort that comes from knowing that even when you feel like you are all alone, you really aren’t. The most beautiful discovery true friends can make is that they can successfully grow separately, without growing apart.’


“I will pay you $100 a week if you stay.”

Louis laughs as Liam flashes puppy dog eyes at him. He pretends to think long and hard about it before smirking. He knows he shouldn’t say it, but it’s in his own playful nature not to.

Liam has never been so shocked as he smiles profoundly, while Zayn’s colour drains from his face looking like he has seen a ghost.

“ Deal.”

“ What?!?!”  Zayn can not believe what he is hearing as he looks at Liam with disbelief. 

“Babe don’t get me wrong, I love Louis and all but, I mean, Sorry darling but that’s-“

“ Oh! You were joking.”

“ Li, I’m sorry, I really am, but your fucking face.” 

The words stutter out of him as he bends over clutching at his knees while he continues to laugh. 

“ I’m not going too far. Message me, call me, visit me whenever you can ok, promise me Payno.”

“ Well I would have, although I’m not too sure now after pulling that stunt. I probably won't miss you anyway.” 

“ You will, cos you love me.” 

Louis leaves no opportunity for a reply before redirecting his attention. He had kind of forgotten that Harry was still quietly observing as he lingered back near the front door. He  looked back over to him making eye contact one last time.

Louis is conflicted. He was raised properly with immaculate manners and understands it’s the polite thing to do by voicing his appreciation for the years that Harry had allowed him to stay there. With that being said, he doesn’t feel comfortable adhering to the words he wishes to speak nor feel it appropriate to approach him and hug him. 

So he takes the easy way out and pulls out his phone as Harry watches from afar. He types away quickly with words that are accurately true and wishes he could have said in person. He types ferociously, quickly hitting the send button before he has any chance to change his mind. He watches Harry reach into his pocket and begin to read it. Never in his life had he thought something as simple as a text message between them could cause so much anxiety. Harry nods his head at him, acknowledging the message. Sharing a look of understanding, the moment is interrupted when Liam wraps his arms around him squeezing him tightly.

“ Don’t be a stranger Lou.”

He watches Harry through the revision mirror as he proceeds down the driveway. By the time he exits the main gates, he feels his phone vibrate in his pocket. He ignores it for a few minutes, but the curiosity gets the better of him. He pulls the car over to the side of the road, his heartbeat  rising the moment he sees the text is a direct response from what he had sent Harry.

To Louis:

‘You didn’t need to thank me before, if anything, it’s me that needs to give you the recognition. Thank you for being the best friend anyone could ask for. You succeeded where I failed. You are always welcome back here anytime, and that will never change. You probably won’t believe me, but I miss you already. I’m sorry you felt the need to leave, but I totally understand.’ 🥺 

Louis stares at the text not knowing what to think about that. 

“ You want to talk about it?” 

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