Chapter 10- Round 2

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'The love you fight for, is the love that can mend bridges, heal scars, and open closed hearts. Love will always find a way through paths, where wolves fear to prey.'


Harry and Louis were sitting across from each other at the coffee table staring fiercely, while waiting for the other to make a move. Harry's face was scrunched in concentration as he tried to come up with the perfect word, while Louis was grinning from ear to ear, clearly anticipating that he has already won the game. Harry only needed one more word to win, but Louis was pretty confident he couldn't succeed after Harry showed him his last remaining scrabble letters.

Suddenly, Harry's face lit up with excitement as he placed his tiles on the board. "RUDISTID! YES, I told you I never lose!"

Louis face palms at his idiocracy, because there is no way that word is authentic nor valid.

" Well, hate to break it to ya buddy, but um, you have lost, that is not a real word."

Harry is totally offended as he raises his eyebrows at Louis' sheer disregard of his intelligence.

"It's a legit word Lou, I swear!" he exclaimed, a triumphant grin spreading across his face.

Louis burst out laughing, shaking his head in disbelief. "Harry, you're making it up!" he chuckled, still laughing as he leaned his back to rest against the couch.

Harry's smile faltered slightly as he tried to defend himself.

"No, it's a genuine word! It's a cone-shaped extinct mollusc, and if I'm correct, to which I am positive I am, it's worth more than the 10 points that I needed!" He insisted, his eyes widening with excitement. He isn't trying to boast, well, he kind of is, or maybe he is just attempting to show off.

The two of them continued to laugh and argue over the word, their body language relaxed and comfortable around each other once again, just like old times. They had spent every evening together for the past two weeks, and it was clear that they were both enjoying each other's company immensely. So much so that Louis is beginning to spend more and more time back at Harry's.

As the game went on, Harry found himself getting too comfortable with the idea of having Louis around him. It felt like they were in their own little world, and he was starting to realize that he didn't want it to ever end, the word 'Friends' consistently slipping his mind.

What he had previously been scared of was now a thing of the past. Louis' scent was everywhere. On his bed, his blanket, his pillow, and for some unknown reason on his jumpers. All Harry could ever smell was Louis wherever he turned, and even though he could die with just the blissful smell alone, it also scared him at how much he was starting to depend on it.

Harry and Louis were in the kitchen, apparently Louis needed something to eat to drown his sorrows from finally admitting defeat.

" Put it back."

Louis smirked, because he could see that it was the last piece of chocolate left in the fridge.

" But I really like Wispa's."

Harry shook his head playfully, but he has been so thrilled at Louis' exuberant energy this morning, he doesn't really want to say no but, it's his last one.

" You know very well, they are my favourite and DON'T YOU DARE!"

Like the little devil Louis can sometimes play so well, he zoned out of whatever Harry was rambling about and began to peel back the wrapper.


The sound of Louis' laughter echoed off the walls. His eyes sparkled with mischief, and his lips were curved into a devious smile.

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