Chapter 23 - The Final Chapter

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Heres the 10k word final chapter.
Im nervous you lot, so I want to make one thing very clear. I promised a happy ending and I delivered. I think. In my eyes it serves it justice. If you dont see a full circle bittersweet endearing ending, than you have mis read the final meanings. What happens at the end is left for your own open interpretation. I apologise now if I upset anyone but please dont come at me. 🥺 p.s Mona, do NOT flick to the bottom, read from the top 🤣


For the past few weeks, Louis and Harry had been immersed in a state of bliss, a prolonged honeymoon where life finally seemed to be aligning in their favor. Bree thrived in the loving embrace of the pack house, surrounded by those who cherished her deeply. Though Louis maintained his own room, most nights they were often found nestled together in Harry's, until eventually he caved and moved in there, well he kind of had to since they had mated.


In the hushed stillness of the early morning, Harry and Louis lay entwined, cocooned in the intimate embrace of slumber. Yet, Harry's restless mind tugged at him, compelling him to share something deeply personal with Louis. The faint light of dawn trickled into the room, casting a gentle glow upon their entangled bodies.

It was 5:50 AM, and Harry believed the time had come. His fingers danced tenderly through Louis' silken hair, a soft caress that sought to rouse his cherished partner from his sleep. Leaning in, he planted a feather-like kiss on Louis' cheek, his voice a gentle murmur. "Lou, babe, are you awake?"

Louis remained still, his eyelids not even fluttering, but his tongue managed a playful response. "No, I'm not." he murmured, his voice laden with tiredness.

Harry's fond smile lingered as he brushed another tender kiss onto Louis' cheek, whispering softly. "I want to show you something."

In his half-asleep state, Louis mumbled, his curiosity piqued. "Show me what, love? If it's what I think it is, I've already seen it and to be fair, I'm still sore from last night and-" Harry laughed cheekily. " No, not that, maybe later though." He cackles.

Without a moment's hesitation, Harry began to offer Louis reassurance, assuring him that Bree would be cared for by Liam's capable hands downstairs if or when she eventually woke. Liam had been alert and awake in the kitchen only twenty minutes earlier when Harry had ventured there for a drink, putting any concerns to rest.

" C'mon, get up, I wanna show you."

With a sleepy yet trusting nod, Louis gracefully unravelled himself from their intimate embrace. He followed Harry, his movements imbued with a dreamy languor as they ventured outside, poised to unveil the concealed treasure that had ignited Harry's excitement. Little did they know, their tranquil morning was on the cusp of an unexpected twist, a journey into the unknown that neither had anticipated.

Guided by Harry, Louis found himself breathless as they arrived at their destination, concealed deep within the heart of the woods. Louis had anticipated a journey to the waterfall, but what lay before him was beyond any imagination.

As they rounded a final bend in the forest trail, the scene unfolded, leaving Louis in awe. The sheer beauty of the moment took his breath away as he stood there, utterly captivated by what was stretched out before him.

The sacred chamber laid hidden deep within the heart of the forest, known only to the most trusted members of the pack. The chamber's significance is known for its mystic properties and is said to be a profound place where for generations, the pack's Alphas and Omegas can strengthen their bonds privately in the presence of their ancestors, or so Louis remembers from hearing the old tales, legends and myths.

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