Chapter 8 - Let me, please

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‘There are going to be lots of painful moments in your life that will change you in many different ways. Let these times make you stronger, wiser, smarter and kinder. Whatever you do, don’t go and become someone you are not, cry or even scream if you have to.
When you finally get it all off of your chest, straighten out that crown and begin moving forward.’


Sitting at the kitchen table, Louis is nervous about the meeting. Old man Jack, one of the elders that Jay prefers due to his knowledge and kindness towards everyone, is due to arrive any given moment. Louis had been pacing back and forth for the last fifteen minutes in anticipation.

“Louis sweetheart, why are you so worried? It’s only Jack, you know he is harmless, and you know you are not in any sort of trouble or anything. You are going to be ok sweetheart, I promise you.”

Louis couldn’t explain it either. He had no idea why his leg was bouncing and trembling under the table. He was hopeful that his mothers words were true, and only time will determine how successful today’s talk will go.

A sharp knock on the front door makes Louis ten times more anxious than he was only seconds ago.

“ Good afternoon, it’s Jack, is anyone home?” He calls out loudly alerting the others of his presence.

Jay smiles tentatively at Louis as she calls out to reply.

“ The door is open.”

Louis just hopes and prays that he gets some sort of reassurance today.


Harry has been burying himself deep into work as it’s the only thing remotely close to keeping his mind off of Louis. Drawing up the plans for the rut/heat houses Niall had previously suggested has had him tired and focused for days. There’s a lot of blue prints being drawn up and a tonne of negotiations about the allowed budget and Harry will soon break down physically and mentally if he does not start getting some rest.

Zayn knocks on the office door softly right before he enters. The sight of Harry sitting at his desk looking so worn out has Zayn a little worried. The thing with Zayn is that he often means well, but most times his words don’t reflect what he means to say.

“ Oh god, you look like shit mate.”

Luckily for him, Harry reacts nicely by scoffing sarcastically.

“ Yeah, well you don’t look very shabby either, Malik.”

Zayn pulls out the spare chair opposite Harry and relaxes down into it. After being friends for many years, Harry can sense Zayn is off tonight, there is definitely something playing on his mind.

“ Yeah didn’t get much sleep as um, Liam and I had an interesting convo last night and-“

Zayn stops, because he decides telling Harry now might not be the best decision as it might add fuel to the fire, instead he opts to distract him by changing the subject.

“You heard from Niall yet?”

Harry leans over grabbing two glasses from his liquor cabinet, and pours a heavy dose of scotch into each.

“No, nothing.”

He slides the drink across the table where they both skull it down in one shot.

“Fucking hell mate, you have literal black rings under your eyes. I know it’s only early afternoon, but I do think you really should try and catch up on some sleep.”

Harry stands up and confirms this by yawning.

“Yeah, you know what, I might just do that.

Zayn is semi surprised at that, he knows Harry has been worried and stressed out, especially with the news he was given the other day, but he didn’t think Harry would go so willingly.

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