Chapter 6 - Where the truth lies

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This chapter resumes from the end of the last one. :)

‘ In today’s society, texting is the most common and preferred method for communication. Unfortunately, that also means it’s a brilliant way to misinterpret and miscommunicate how we really feel. That is the prime reason why face to face conversations, especially the important ones, are better off had in person. The tone of your voice needs to be heard, the expressions on your face need to be seen. There is no such thing as a worthless conversation, provided that you know exactly... what to listen for.’ 


Life is in no way a fairytale, so if you lose a shoe at midnight, unfortunately you are no cinderella, in fact, there is a high possibility that you are probably just extremely drunk, like Mr Styles. Louis is face to face with a very intoxicated Harry, who is currently sporting only one shoe while clinging to the door frame to avoid falling over. 

Louis scans his entire body from top to bottom and laughs. Apart from his bloodshot red eyes and some sort of food stain on his shirt, Harry looks scruffy and burnt out. He knows immediately that Harry is wasted beyond comprehension. He can’t seem to stand on his own, and Louis only sees his old best friend at this point, flashbacks of how they used to be, how life was full of beers and laughs. 

“ What the fuck happened to you? Where is your shoe?” 

Harry takes this moment to indulge in a hiccup as he looks backwards behind him pointing towards the direction of the staircase.

“ Somewhere there, over on the stair, or- HA HA !! That rhymed.”

Louis barks a laugh at that, because Harry is clumsy enough sober, let alone drunk, and truth be told, drunk Harry is a funny comedy act to experience. 

Again, Harry begins to hiccup as he throws Louis the item he is holding. Catching it with one hand, Louis inspects it over. 

“A sandwich?” 

Louis is confused as Harry takes the opportunity to walk past him entering his room. 

“ Ham, cheese and –“ 

Harry plonks down to rest on the edge of the bed, the edge that he almost just missed as he begins to try and think about the last ingredient. 

“ Why did you bring me a sandwich?”

For some reason at first, he doesn’t answer and just stares at the floor. It’s super quiet and Louis feels the shift in energy. 

“ You didn’t eat earlier, you need to eat. Eating is. * hiccup* important.”

Louis frowns as a small smile forms. 

It’s not like he chose to smile, he couldn’t stop it. Right now, even if only for a few short minutes, Louis feels like everything has returned to normal.

“ Thanks”

“ You’re welcome.” 

There is a high scent of alcohol fulfilling the room and it makes Louis realise that Harry has consumed a large amount of liquor in a short amount of time since he himself returned to his room. 

“ How much have you had to drink?” 

It’s only now that the two of them lock eyes, and it feels like Harry is looking right through him as Louis can see the haziness in his gaze. Trying to stand, Harry loses his footing and stumbles, making Louis leap forward to grab him.

“ Black glass Niall, small Zayn little, yuk.” 

Harry shivers as he remembers the taste he disliked so much. Louis presses his lips together as he stares at Harry, trying really hard to decode whatever he had just described.

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