Chapter 11- Repercussion or reward?

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Ok, so last chapter set off a bit of a debate in the comments and my Dms, which made it very difficult to decide which way to take this next chapter. Half of you are going to be happy and half won't.
I'm sorry either way.
Please don't send me hate.
Just trust my process. ❤️
Hope you enjoy, 😬
As always please leave comments along the way. I love seeing your feedback and reactions. X


'As the old saying goes, when one door closes, another door opens.What some people don't take note of, is that we often find ourselves staring and regretfully focusing in on the closed door. So much so, that we are often blinded to acknowledge the door that has swung open that is baring many bright new opportunities.'


Presenting as both head strong and soft hearted, is a combination that very few have struggled to master. Harry is one of those limited few who is about to experience just that.

Jay's eyes are blazing with anger as she demands answers about the suppressants. Her voice is tense and loud as she directs her frustration towards Harry. Harry's eyes widen in surprise as Jay's voice echoes through the room. Louis' face is flushed with embarrassment as he looks down at his feet, his teeth clenched in annoyance that his heat has become the pack's gossip once again.

Harry is on the defensive as he raises his hands in protest, trying to explain that he did everything he could to help Louis. Without realising what it is he is doing, Louis finds himself gently hugging himself, trying to reach out and acquire that tiny bit of reassurance, or maybe he just felt like an idiot, a child who was being scorned openly on display. He withdraws from the conversation as he tries to make himself as small as possible, a failed effort to appear invisible. The room is filled with awkward silence as Jay's voice trails off.

"Why haven't they worked?" she asked, her voice rising with each word.

Louis shifted uncomfortably in his seat, as Liam, Zayn, Oli, and Old Man Jack all looked on in silence, unsure of what to say or do.

Harry's eyes met Jay's, and he could see the pain and frustration in her gaze. "I don't know," he said softly. "I wish I did, but I don't."

Jay's anger faded slightly, replaced by a sense of helplessness.

"What are we supposed to do, Harry?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. " This is so dangerous, what a bloody mess."

Liam spoke up, his voice gentle. "We'll figure it out together, Louis, '' he said. "We'll find a way to help you and get answers, we promise." Louis smiled, glad that Liam knew he needed to hear that, because after what had just gone down with his heat, he kind of has a sneaky feeling that he is about to lose Harry all over again. He doesn't understand why he thinks that, embarrassment maybe?

Jay nodded, her eyes filling with tears. "Thank you," she said softly. " You have been such a great friend Liam."

Harry kind of feels like it's a silent dig at him, but he pretends to ignore it.

Louis shifted in his seat again, his discomfort growing. He wished he could melt into the floor, but he knew he had to stay. If he left or made a scene, he is sure his mother would scorn him.

The last few days have been hectic. One thing is for sure. Louis is no ordinary omega, not by a long shot. As previously confirmed, he doesn't act like one, he doesn't speak like one, he doesn't obey like one and now, heats and suppressants are not working like normal either.

And two..... Louis has fallen in love.
But the details of that forthcoming will just have to wait.

With Jay in a deep discussion with Jack, and the other boys quietly speaking among themselves, Harry keeps flicking his eyes over in Louis' direction. Although Louis has not moved his gaze from the ground, he senses the worried stare as he finally looks up, and he can already tell what's coming as anxiety instantly kicks in.

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