Chapter 9 - Just Friends

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Couple of quick things, first off, the reason this chapter took so long is because its bloody 10k words !!
😬🥴🫣 Oops!

Also, please remember that when I make Harry or Louis' feelings indecisive or contradictive it's because i've done it deliberately. It's needed for the story. I've had lots of messages asking about this. Louis is still very hurt about the whole change, but he is also on a journey now to move forward. Harry still feels bad but again, he can't fix it. After all that has happened it's only natural that these two will swap back and forth with different emotions.

Now onto the chapter ! 😘


'Just friends they had agreed, while it had worked for one, the other.....had secretly lied again.' 🥺


Getting to sleep was a little difficult due to Harry's words last night, but he wakes up with a smile on his face, feeling lighter than he has done so in weeks. The sun is shining through his window, casting a warm glow over his room. He stretches his arms above his head, feeling the tension in his muscles release. He looks down at his hands, noticing that they're not shaking like they usually do in the morning. He feels a sense of calm wash over him, and he knows that it's because of Harry's company last night.

Standing up out of bed, he is feeling light on his feet. He looks in the mirror, and for the first time in a long time, he likes what he sees. His eyes are bright, and his skin is clear. He runs his fingers through his hair, and it falls into place perfectly.

He feels alive again.

Downstairs in the kitchen, his mum and sisters are already eating breakfast. The smell of toast and tea fill the air, and it makes his stomach rumble. He takes the time to walk around the table making sure to kiss everyone on the top of their heads.

" Good morning to you, and to you and to you annnnnd to you."

He finishes off by kissing Jay's cheek who smiles, but eyes him suspiciously.

" You are very....happy today. What's the occasion?"

It makes Louis laugh as he sits down at the table, his mum pouring him a cup of yorkshire tea.

" Funny, no there is no occasion, I'm just in a good mood, I guess. Oooh can I have one of those?"

Eyeing the toast smothered in strawberry jam, he pretends to reach for Lotti's piece making her smack his hand away.

" Buzz off, mum please feed this vulture before he steals mine."

Poking his tongue out like a child, he scrunches his nose up cutely at the twins before taking a sip from his tea.

He hadn't noticed the way his mother was dressed all neat and tidy in her best clothes, so it comes as a surprise when she asks him for a favor.

" Do you have any plans today darling? I have to run some errands in town this morning and I could really use a babysitter, I don't want to tag the kids along if I don't have to."

Louis' face falls, because the last thing he wants to do is disappoint her.

" Oh um, I was going to go meet up with Harry but no, it's fine. I can watch them."

Louis had awoken to a text message from Harry this morning, and he won't admit how much it made him smile. He was asking for Louis' help with something over at the house. He was very vague about the details, but when Harry added the smiley face and praying hands at the bottom of the text, Louis couldn't draw any strength to say no.

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