Can I Call You My Boyfriend?

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Chapter 1: Moving Out


I was laying on my bed on a Wednesday morning. Ever since I dropped out of College I had literally no reason to get out of bed. The only reason I did get out of bed was to get food or to use the bathroom. I was getting bored of just laying there so I decided to go grab my phone. But it was on the table on the other side of the room and I was too lazy to get up and grab it.

(Y/N): "Ugh, why can't I just put my phone on my bed?"

I had no choice but to w-w-walk to my phone. (I know, very Intense) I get up and get out of my bed and start to walk to my phone.

???: "Ah, good you're awake!"

I freeze for a second and look toward my door to see my mum.

(Y/N): "Huh, Oh... Hey Mum"

Mum: "Hey sweetie me and your Father have to tell you something"

(Y/N): "Ok?"

Mum: "Well since you dropped out of College like some kinda moron, we think you should move out"

I freeze at the fact that I'm only 15 and I'm already leaving.

(Y/N): "Wait, Didn't you say you and Dad were gonna tell me something?"

Mum: "Yes?"

(Y/N): "Then where is he?"

Mum: "He's right here- OH YOU SON OF A BI-"

She looked at me and decided not to finish that sentence. I look around and grab my phone.

(Y/N): "So when's my deadline for moving out?"

Mom: "Anytime this month"

(Y/N) "Alright then"

I go into my calendar app and set a date for moving out. Mum walked out of the room and probably to wherever Dad was. I looked outside to see that it wasn't that bad. I decided to go out and get some food cause the fridge was as empty as my brain... Didn't know that was possible but it was. I hop into my cheap car and drive off.

-Time Skip-

I'm in the Mall looking for literally anything to buy. I make my way to the Grocery Store. Surely I can find something there to buy. I make my way to the Soda Isle. I look around to find A N Y T H I N G ! You look around until you bump into someone.

???: "Ah!"

(Y/N): "Oh sorry!"

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