I Love Me Too!

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Chapter 1: Nice to Meet me Too

The mall, a place I never normally go to. I needed more food cause I ran out. I've been stress eating a lot since I was behind on my taxes and I couldn't pay because of all the stress eating, make sense, no? I agree. I was in the food aisle until a ginger woman ran up to me.

???: "HELP!"

She grabs onto my shirt and starts crying.

(Y/N): "Uhhh, can I help you?"

???: "I can't find my friends!"

(Y/N): "Ok well, What do they look like?"

???: "Well one of them has a green hoodie, brown hair and a ponytail, a-and the other has a blue hoodie with black eyes and a ponytail that goes up"

I look around until I see two people that describe exactly what the Ginger with a Minecraft chin and the 0 drip said.

(Y/N): "Like the people over there?"

The ginger turned around to where I was pointing.

???: "YES!"

The ginger then pulled my arm and dragged me across the mall to the two women.

???: "Ell, Tamara, I lost you!"

The two girls look at the ginger.

???: "Oh, told you to stay here Matilda"

Matilda: "But there were mirrors over there!"

???: "ugh, of course, and who is this?"

Matilda: "Ell and Tamara, this is uhhhh? This is... hmmmm"

(Y/N): "(Y/N)"

???: "Ok well, I'm Ell and this is Tamara"

Ell is the one in the green hoodie and Tamara is the one in the blue hoodie.

Matilda: "Can we take him home, can we!, can we!, can we!"

Ell: "Uhhh, well I have to say yes"

Matilda lifted her arms in the air.

Matilda: "YAY!"

Ell: "Well I got what I need, so we gotta go"

Matilda drags me out of the mall and what I was expecting to be Ell's car. She pulls me into the backseat of the car as Ell and Tamara get in the front seat. The car starts and I just feel Matilda's eyes looking at me. It made me a little uncomfortable so I looked at her back. He stared for the entire car ride home. Once we got to Ell's house Matilda drags me out of the car and to the front door. Ell then walks out the car with Tamara behind her. She unlocks the door. Matilda then drags me inside, then up the stairs I go. I find myself in a messy room.

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