My Universe Hurts

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Chapter 1: Nostalgia

The streets have been paradise ever since (Y/N) saved them. The Toribot was destroyed. Police Officers and FBI Agents were surrounding the Toribot ruins. They were grabbing parts of the Toribot to research about. Tori was being dragged over to a police car in cuffs. (Y/N), Ell, Tamara and Matilda walked into the car and drove off back home. They made it back home, walked inside and sat on the couch. Ell then started to snuggle up with (Y/N).

Ell: "Thanks for saving me"

(Y/N): "Huh?, Of course I saved you"

Ell: "Well yeah but that's only because we're dating"

(Y/N): "No, not completely"

Ell: "Ok then, why else did you save me?"

(Y/N): "We're dating, without you I would have to live on the streets, I have emotional attachment to you, I lost my virginity to you, I would have to cry in public when going to your funeral"

Ell: "Ok, Ok you can stop" 

Matilda: "Ugh, we get it you two love each other"

Tamara: "Yeah get a room"

(Y/N): "You're just jealous that I have the greatest person as my girlfriend and you don't"

Tamara started to blush.

Tamara: "N-N-No!"

(Y/N): "Oh my god you got a crush!"

Tamara started to blush more.

Tamara: "NO!, You stabbed me and the only reason I'm not pissed off is cause you can summon alcohol out of your robotic arm"

Ell: "You have a crush on (Y/N)!?"

Tamara: "N-N-N- Leave me alone!"

Tamara stormed off into her room.

Ell: "Well it's a shame that you're my boyfriend"

(Y/N): "Yeah, Tamara's just jealous"

Ell: "Yeah"

Ell kissed (Y/N) on the cheek.

(Y/N): "You wanna go out, get dinner, have s*x in a Wendy's bathroom?"

Ell started to giggle.

Ell: "We can't go out in public, you're like, famous"

(Y/N): "ugh, you're right"

Ell: "Exactly"

(Y/N): "Anyway, I guess we can order in"

Ell: "Why are you avoiding making food"

(Y/N): "Cause, believe it or not, saving the world takes away a lot of- *yawn* -energy"

Ell: "Awe, you sleepy"

(Y/N): "Yeah"

Ell: "Well, goodnight"

(Y/N): "Hey uhhh, before I go I just wanna ask"

Ell: "Yeah?"

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