Wrong Wish

3 1 0

Chapter 1: Be Careful What You Wish For

(Y/N) was a pro Eddsworld fan. He would watch all the edd-isodes. One day he was cleaning his room, looking for stuff to throw away, he needed to throw some stuff out to leave room for stuff that he needs. He was looking down in the dark space under his bed. He was pulling out stuff from under there. He pulled out a flat box. It looked like it could contain comics or books or something small. So he decided to open it to see what was inside. He opened the box to see that it was empty. The box then started to shake as grey smoke started to spiral out the box. (Y/N) covered his face while the smoke spreaded across the room. It then slowly vanished as he heard a voice.

???: "You have opened the mythical box of DAZEEM!"

(Y/N): "Huh?"

Dazeem: "Normally I'd just kill you, but what the hell? You have 3 wishes, but there are some rules!"

(Y/N): "Ok, what are the rules?"

Dazeem: "You can not wish for more wishes,you can't wish for death, You can't wish for bringing people back from the dead, also, if you try to outsmart my rules you get 0 wishes!"

(Y/N): "Ok? I wish to be invincible!"

Dazeem: "Wish Granted, you can now not die"

(Y/N): "Ummm, I wish I could talk to anyone fluently"

Dazeem: "Your wish is granted you can now talk to people fluently"

(Y/N): "Ok... Ummmm one last wish what should I wish for"

You look at your phone's wallpaper and say...

(Y/N): "I wish I was in the Ellsworld Universe!"

He was meant to say he wanted to be in the Eddsworld Universe but he said it wrong.

Dazeem: "Your wish is granted!"

(Y/N: "Wait NO!"

He blacks out. He soon wakes up in a park. It looked like it was hand drawn by animators. He looked around at the field and then down at his hands. He got a jump when he saw 3 fingers and a thumb. He looked around and it looked like he was in a field.

Chapter 2: The Boy in a Large World

(Y/N) looked around the park looking for anything. He found a forest by the park, a forest that made a loud and weird noise. (Y/N) was creeped out so he walked away. But his curiosity got the better of him. He ran into the forest to see what the noise was, but he found nothing. He ran and ran deeper into the forest but he couldn't find anything. Until he found it, he found something. A giant egg oozing with chocolate. Well (Y/N) was hungry so...

(Y/N): "Finally some food!"

(Y/N) ran to the egg and broke it open to reveal some kinda living chocolate bunny beaster, a Beaster Bunny if you will. So (Y/N) did the one thing he was a pro at doing, eating live creatures. So he ate the bunny until it was no more. He then realised that since he's in the Ellsworld Universe which is basically the Eddsworld Universe, so wouldn't there be some Tori-Bot ruins around the area. So he leaves the forest to find the ruins of what was left behind. So he goes on his quest.

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