All Four

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 Chapter 1: Dare You

London is a peaceful place, the Big Ben, Fish and Chips, The Queen and the fact that they say Mum instead of Mom, (Yes we do say mum). But among London was a suburban street known as Derdam Lane, Where four girls lived. Ell, Tamara, Matilda and Tori.

Ell has straight brown hair with a ponytail wrapped in a green tie, she also wears a green hoodie with a white shirt that says Smeg Head on it. Her shoes were green with white shoe laces and souls. She is generous and kind, but she doesn't let anyone touch her Cola or Bacon.

Tamara has Emo hair with a long ponytail that points up instead of down, it is also very spiky. She has pitchblack eyes and a head piercing above her right eye. She wears grey pants and black and white chequered shoes that are set out like a chess board. Tamara is normally cynical, pessimistic and cold. She also acts moody and rude and doesn't celebrate holidays like Christmas.

Matilda has long ginger hair with a purple bow in it. She has a square chin that kinda looks like a minecraft block. She wears a Purple hoodie and green jacket at the same time, underneath she wears a black shirt that says 'I Heart Matilda', Matilda isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, the only thing she really cares about is herself and how 'Pretty' she looks. The only times she hangs out with others is if she is forced or if she gets something out of it.

Tori has long light brown hair that spikes out, at the top of her head her hair makes something that looks like devil horns, she also has a very small ponytail that is wrapped in red beads. Tori wore a red hoodie and red crop top underneath. She wore dark grey jeans and black shoes with while shoelaces and souls. Tori is normally a trigger happy, perverted woman who hates the song, 'Sunshine Lollipops' by Lesley Gore. But she has a darkside that leads her to be more cunning, menacing and dangerous to be around.

They were all sitting on their red couch, Ell was drinking her cherry flavoured cola, Matilda was looking into her golden rimmed, round mirror, Tamara was on her bass that she calls Sammy and Tori was crunching up balls of paper and throwing it at Tamara.

Tamara: "Stop it, Commie!"

Tori: "Make me, Jehovah's Witness"

Tamara: "Oh I'll make you"

Tamara grabbed her bass and lifted it above her head ready to beat Tori in the head with it. Soon Ell put her hand out to Tamara's chest. Tamara tried to continue going forwards but failed because of Ell's hand.

Ell: "Ok, Ok, Tamara I think you need to calm down"

Tamara put her base down and sat back down crossing her arms. She started mumbling while Tori tried not to burst out laughing. Ell looked at both of them.

Ell: "Hey, why don't we play a game"

Matilda looked up from her reflection and looked at Ell with a questionable look.

Matilda: "What kind of game?"

Ell: "I dunno"

Tori: "Why don't we play truth or dare?"

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