The Ginger

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Chapter 1: One (Y/N) Coming Up!

The Universe, a place that no one quite knows the meaning of. But beyond The Universe, or the Universes is a space, a space called The (Y/N) Sender. This place would send (Y/N)'s to every universe you could think of.

(Y/N) Instructor: "Welcome to The (Y/N) Sender, today we will send all of you to your new universes! (Y/N) #1234565825u39485u48, you will be sent to Sonic the Hedgehog x Child Reader, (Y/N) #234565433 you'll be sent to Harry Potter x Female Reader and uh oh... Oh no, no, no, no"

(Y/N) Guide: "what, What's wrong?"

(Y/N) Instructor: "There's a... There's a... THERE'S A MALFUNCTION!"

(Y/N) Guide: "What?"

THe alarms go off as a (Y/N) starts running. He ran away from the (Y/N) Police. He runs around every corner trying to get away from the gang chasing him.

(Y/N): "Shit, shit, shit, shit!"

(Y/N) Police Officer: "Stop running!"

(Y/N): "Fucking shit, why me?"

(Y/N) Sheriff: "Shoot him, he's too dangerous to be left alive"

(Y/N) ran far and far but the (Y/N) Officers soon got him.

(Y/N) Officer: "You thought you could run? Stupid (Y/N)!"

(Y/N): "Shut the fuck up dude!"

(Y/N) Officer: "Alright I think this (Y/N) is a little cranky, alright let's torture him"

(Y/N): "Let go of me you sack of sh-"

(Y/N) Officer: "That's enough of your uncensored potty mouth"

(Y/N): "Shut the fuck up"

The (Y/N) Officers through (Y/N) into the car and drove off to the (Y/N) Torture Location. They then dragged (Y/N) into the most painful machine. They placed him down on the floor and then left the room.

(Y/N): "What are you going to do? Bore me to death!"

Soon fist opens up from the walls.

(Y/N): "oohhhh, getting kinky are we?"

The fist then started betting (Y/N) up, he couldn't get a break as fist punched him from all directions, the face, arms, legs, balls.

(Y/N): "Son of a bitch!" 

The fist then pulls him towards a pool of Legos.

(Y/N): "Oh no, no, no THAT"S TOO FAR!"

The fist then forcefully makes (Y/N) step in legos.

(Y/N): "Ah, fuck this hurts so FUCKING much!"

At the end of the trail of legos he made it to a theater. He sits down in a seat and waits.

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