Friends to Girlfriends

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Chapter 1: We're Just Friends... Right?

Matilda POV:

I was sitting on the couch until I felt... HuNgRy. I went to the kitchen for a snack until I saw something way better... A jar with the word 'Cookies' on it at the top of the fridge. The only problem is that I can't reach the jar of that circle chocolate goodness. So I need a stool to reach it. But I broke the stepladder while hanging up a mirror. So I kicked the fridge so the jar will fall into my arms. It did fall but it didn't find a difference between my hands... and my head/face.

I woke up in my bed with Ell looking down at me.

Matilda: Huh, wha... What happened?

Ell: Well... I'm guessing you wanted cookies and then the jar fell on you...

Matilda: My head hurts...

Ell: Yeah... Bet it does, well I'm just gonna go

I see Ell about to leave the room until I grab her hand. She looks back and looks at me.

Ell: Huh?

I pull Ell toward me as she almost trips on the bed. She sits down and looks at me.

Ell: Matilda?

Matilda: Don't go pwease :)

Ell: Fine I guess I'll stay

Ell lays down next to me and pats me on the head. I blush but I don't know why... Why did I grab her arm? Why did I pull her back? Why am I blushing? Am I in-? No... Surely not... It would make sense but- no I don't think that's the case...

Ell: Soo... Are you ok?

Matilda: Surely- uhh my head still hurts

Crap... Did I say that all out loud? No, she would have replied with something else.

Matilda: Can I have a cookie?

Ell: Alright, I'll give you a cookie.

Ell walks out the room as I think to myself... Am I falling in love with her cause of this? Surely not, She helps me with lots of things, what makes this so more special for me to fall in love... Ugh why am I so confusing to understand. Ell walks back into the room and gives me a cookie.

Ell: Here you are, Matilda. 

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