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All of this is canon...

-2000 Years Before Kinda Cringe-

It was the old times in a small town in what is now known as "Ohio".

???: "Alright Jeff, turn it on"

Jeff: "You got in Bob!"

Jeff flipped a lever. 

Bob: "It's crazy, this technology from the future"

The floor began to crack until black goop fell out. 

Jeff: "What the?"

Bob: "Woah"

The crack then formed a giant hole.

Jeff: "What the hell"

A ghost phantom then flew from the hole and flew away.

Bob: "Woah"

Giant Goop then flew out of the hole.

Jeff: "BOB RUN!"

Jeff and Bob ran as the black goop caught Bob. 

Jeff: "BOB NO!"

Bob: "Ru-"

Bob then turned pitch black with his eyes and teeth becoming black. 

Corrupted Bob: "Hello there, Jeff"

Jeff: "What do you want? What was that black phantom thing about?"

Corrupted Bob: "The Phantom will posses a child years in the future, this child must be killed, he will hurt anything, shoot up schools and worst of all, Call someone stinky one time"

Jeff: "What the?"

The Corrupted Bob's head then twitched his head as a giant Earth Worm came from the floor and ate Jeff up. 

-2000 Years Later in the UK- 

Hope: "*Cries*" 

Rylee: "Oohhh, that's what tears look like!"

Roger: "Yea? Have you ever seen someone cry"

Rylee: "Well yes but I have a feeling I'm the only one with black tears"

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