You Do What He Didn't

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Chapter 1: Starting the Therapist

It all started when Tails was in his workshop. Thinking about how he doesn't really do anything to save the world like he used too. So he got an idea to be a therapist. Not saving something big like the world but helping people's lives. So he ordered a house sized building and called it. Tails Therapy. Very simple name. But two days later the most famous Therapist location got shut down. Amy Rose going to that Therapist is now screwed. Until he finds out that Tails also became a Therapist. So Amy decided to see what he's worth. So she went over to Tails Therapy. She entered the building. To see an arrow pointing to a door. The arrow said Enter Here. She opened the door to see Tails on a chair.

Tails: Hi Amy, you're my first customer. Well probably the only, Since everyone else is going to some other places.

Amy Rose: So what you're my personal Therapist or something

Tails: Well, yeah

Amy Rose: Well ok let's get started

So she sat down on another chair and started talking. She talked about what you suspected. Sonic is not dating her, Anger, Stress, all that stuff. After they were done. Amy Rose Asked.

Amy Rose: So how much do I pay you?

Tails: Nothing... But one thing

Amy Rose: What's that?

Tails: A kiss

Amy Rose: Well ok

Amy Rose kissed Tails on the forehead.

Amy Rose: Well Bye Tails!

Tails then knew that helping people or a person in need. He knew that he needed to see her again next week. But two days later. Amy ran into Tails Workshop freaking out.

Amy Rose: TAILS! I need your help! This is the most imported time of my life

Tails: What what is it

Tails was in bed before Amy Rose woke him up.

Amy Rose: Ok, well first sorry for waking you up, But second it all started like an hour ago

Amy then sits on Tails' bed and tells the story like this. So Amy was doing her normal thing. Asking Sonic for a date. But the only thing different was that Sonic said fine, I will do one date and if it goes well I will think about but if It doesn't then you can never ask me to date you again.

Tails: Well isn't that a good thing?

Tails said this acting normal... But inside he was defeated. Well Tails started having a crush on Amy. But then remembered that Sonic said that she would go on a date and say it was bad to stop Amy from annoying him. So he had a plan to make Amy mad. Then he would use himself for some "Revenge" but really being a real date. Then Amy would really fall in love with him. Tails gets the girl and Sonic stops being annoyed. Win, Win. So Step 1.

Amy Rose: Well yes but I really need to impress him, and that's the problem I'm stressing out

Tails: Ok well just wear something you would wear to a fancy party... Or something hot

Amy Rose: Thanks Tails, Oh and

Amy kisses Tails on the forehead and walks out the room. Tails then goes back to bed. He wakes up and gets ready. Everything happened like a normal day for Tails. Until it was late. Amy ran into the workshop crying in her normal dress. Tails already knew why she was crying but just asked like he didn't.

Tails: Amy whats wrong

Amy sat on the couch with Tails.

Amy Rose: H-h-he said it d-d-didn't go r-r-right

Tails: Well I-

Amy Rose: Oh I know what we can do... We can act like we're dating to make him jealous

Tails: I was gonna say that but yeah lets do that

She said that it'll be in two days. So Tails would tell her Sonic's little trick for two days. Everything went normal for those two days.

Chapter 2: The Date

It was finally the day of the "Fake" Date. They went to Sonic's favorite restaurant so Sonic would notice that they both are there. This is where the plan fails in a good way. Amy starts getting a crush on Tails. So she said,

Amy Rose: Hey Tails, this was meant to be a fake date but can we make it a real date?

Tails: Yeah shore...

They go in for a kiss. They kissed each other and then left. 

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