Love You More Then Me

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Chapter 1: He Came From The Mirror

Matilda's Room, possibly the most messiest room in all of humanity. If you sold everything in that room you'll have a whole god dame mall. Anyway, Matilda was looking at her mirror she got at a Magic Store.

Matilda: "How could someone be as pretty as me"

Matilda was looking at herself, until a hand came through the mirror. She freaked out and dropped the mirror and ran to the corner of the room. The mirror was shaking until someone came out of it.

???: "Huh, where am I?"


Matilda then started throwing things at the man. He covered his face and screamed,

???: "NOT THE FACE!"

Matilda stopped throwing and looked at him.

Matilda: "Hey, that's what I say!"

???: "Huh?"

Matilda walked up to the man.

Matilda: "Alright dude I like the cosplay but you got the hair wrong"

???: "What? I wear this all the time, YOUR THE COSPLAYER!"

Matilda: "No!"

Matilda and the guy started fighting over who was the copycat and who was the original. They soon learnt each others names and that they were pretty much the same person. Matilda let the man, now named Matt live with her in her mess of a room. But he had to keep it a secret that he was living there. 

Chapter 2: Done the Deed

Matt was living in Matilda's room for 6 weeks now. Matilda kept it a secret for the whole 6 weeks and made sure Matt was a secret. Tamara was on the couch sitting on her phone. Ell was sleeping still and Matilda wanted to go out and get mirrors, so she started nagging Tamara to take her.

Matilda: "Please"

Tamara: "No, Matilda"

Matilda: "Pretty Please!"

Tamara: "No, Matilda"

Matilda: "Pretty Please with a cherry on top!"

Tamara: "You know what Matilda, go fuck yourself"

Matilda just stared at her.

Matilda: "fine... I will"

Matilda walked out of the room and up the stairs. She then found Matt in her pile of crap and fell on him. She then put her hand on his crotch.

Matt: "Huh? What are you doing?"

Matilda: "Tamara said I should go fuck myself... So that is what I'm doing"

Matt: "Well alright I guess"

Matilda: "Don't worry, I'll reward you afterwards"

Matt: "Ok"

Matilda crawled down to his crotch. She then pulled down his pants and underwear and started giving him a blowjob. She then stopped and started giving him a handjob. Matt tried yo get Matilda's hair away from his 13 inches.

Matilda: "A-Alright, here I go!"

Matilda pulled down her pants and underwear and then put his d in her p. She then goes up and down, as she starts moaning.

Matt: "M-Matilda... I'm g-gonna c-cum!"

Matilda takes his dick out and she gives him a handjob until he came. She then pulled her pants up, and then pulled up Matt's pants.

Matt: "Hey! Where's my gift!"

Matilda: "Oh uhhh, What do you want"

Matt: "Uhhh, Milk"

Matilda: "Alright"

Matilda took off her hoodie and shirt.

Matt: "I mean a glass of- Nevermind this is better"

Matilda then unbuckled he bra to reveal her breast.

Matilda: "There you go"

Matt then grabbed and sucked until milk came out, he then drank and drank until he stopped. Matilda then put her bra, shirt and hoodie back on and kissed Matt on the cheek.

Authors Fuckin Note: Once someone said they masturbated to my fanfics... I never new I could relate to someone so much... Anyway i did this dame thing... Yes 2 chapters, but the recommendation just said "Make Matt and Matilda Fuck" so they never asked for a relationship, just a fucky wucky, hoping to get lucky.

Announcement!: Hello Ladies and Ladies with Dicks. You already know me as That Eddsworld Fanfiction Guy, and I have a Twitter. This next fanfiction will take a while, and it'll be the GREATEST thing ever. If you want Bonus Content, Extra Chapters, Updates, BTS, Sus Tweets, Funny Memes, The Random Tweets, or My Voice... I know you all wanna hear it, you can now on my, it's my link underneath of when I created this channel, anyway, BYE!

(These messages are out of date and should be listened too, unless you wanna follow me on Twitter, then follow me :))

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