You Lost Me At Just Friends

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Chapter 1: Oh Shoot!

SMASH! Two people in black ski-masks and black clothing that doesn't reveal any skin, other than their eyes and mouth. They started looking around the room with bags.

Person 1: "Come on, there gotta be something in here!"

Person 2: "I can't find anything!"

Person 1: "Keep your voice down!"

Person 2: "No you keep your voice down!"

The two started to bicker and argue until they heard footsteps coming from the other room.

Person 2: "Look what you've done!"

Person 1: "Shut up!"

A person walked into the room, probably the owner of the house.

House Owner: "Huh, what the? WHO ARE YOU TWO!"

The two robbers pulled out their guns.

Person 1: "You move a inch, we will shoot you!"

House Owner: "Get the hell outta my house!"

Person 2: "Just shoot the b*tch!"

The second robber then shot the house owner and jumped out the shattered window, the first robber then grabbed a toaster and jumped out the window. The house owner looked at his gun womb. He ran out of the house and into his car. He then drove off over the speed limit and barely made his way to the hospital. He ran into the hospital and to the nurse.

Nurse: "Hello sir how may I help you"

House Owner: "I-I got shot!"

Nurse: "Ok and what would your name be?"

House Owner: "(Y/N)!"

Nurse: "Ok and-"


Nurse: "Ok, follow me"

(Y/N) followed the nurse into the room with all the hospital beds. She then sat (Y/N) back down.


Nurse: "Ok, looks like you'll have to stay here for the night, we'll see what we'll do tomorrow"

(Y/N): "Ok"

The nurse left and (Y/N) laid in his bed. He stared into the ceiling until he saw movement from behind his curtain. He started to panic and freeze. He then saw his curtain open and he panicked even more. Then from in the darkness, a woman with blue short hair ran into the area and looked through the draws next to (Y/N)'s bed.

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