prologue ❦

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Note: This is simply BASED ON ATLA, so the storyline and many other things will not be the same. Please go through the "locations" chapter of this book to see a few of my changes there. More will be explained after this chapter. As such, read this book with an idea of ATLA's basics, not ATLA's story or too much of its history. I don't wish to touch on that legend :D

Warning: Language, Violence, Character Death, TBA

Opening Sequence . Tomorrow by Together

 Tomorrow by Together

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17 Years Ago...

The moon seemed to hide from the nation of fire. Or rather, the Young Fire Lord Yongseok seemed to scare the cowardly light away from the night.

Perhaps it was the air that brought hushed whispers throughout the mighty castle. The servants and the maids could know no better than to rely on their measly understandings of the feelings of who they served. Even the newly-born young princess, whose cries night after night kept her mother's servants sleepless, rested quietly in her crib, afraid to disturb the threatening tranquility.

Lord Yongseok had gathered his most trusted men—at his left, his dear brother who'd sworn loyalty to the Fire Nation at a young age, giving up the throne. At his right was his trusted general of the Special Forces, a man who knew what his Lord wanted and how to achieve it.

"What calls us here tonight, Brother?" General Yongjin asked, placing a scalding cup of tea gingerly on the table, raising an eyebrow at the brash, despicable grin on Lord Yongseok's face. Never had Yongjin seen his younger brother so ecstatic, so delighted.

Yet his excitement came with a grim decision—one that would impact the peace of the nations for centuries to come.

The leader of the Special Forces could only smirk. Any seemingly irrational decision made by the lord was in his favor, as he'd be able to act of his own will whenever and wherever he'd like. Perhaps that's what made General Zin a dangerous man in his own right. Perhaps, that's why General Yongjin favored him.

"Zin, Yongjin...I've found a way to usher the Fire Nation into a new era—an era where we lead the rest."

Total control—that's what the Lord had wanted. It had been planted within him from a young age that he must seize control of the other nations to gain control of the Avatar, the balance of the world. With the Avatar in Lord Yongseok's hands, he knew he'd never be contested.

"Total control? My lord, how?" Zin questioned, keeping his grin down to a faint smile. He was more than delighted. He, just like the Fire Lord, was malevolently ecstatic.

General Yongjin only kept quiet, his mind at peace as he steadily took a sip of the fragrant, herbal tea once again.

Lord Yongseok pointed at the scroll on the table. The edges had browned any ink to an illegible standard—yet what stood out was the colorful pigments of the diagram in the middle. Black lines moved in a cycle, followed by the symbols of the elements with a few legible brush strokes of words at the center. It was a secret, a pattern that would begin the calamity of the times for all of the nations present.

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