six ❦

95 7 4

skeletons . keshi

Seolyeon figured the quiet boy would open up with time throughout their journey to the Northern Water Tribe and the academy itself

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Seolyeon figured the quiet boy would open up with time throughout their journey to the Northern Water Tribe and the academy itself. Yet two days in, he hadn't so uttered another word. Most of what she knew about him came from her observations. Was she crossing lines observing and analyzing his every movement? Definitely. But, she couldn't bring herself to abate her curiosity.

There were three key things she'd noticed about the boy—one, he never stopped thinking. As if each moment needed to be captured, his eyes would never stop taking things in, and she could practically envision the gears spinning in his head each second. His shoulders were never at rest, sharp and tense as if untrusting of the world that surrounded him.

Two, he was actually rather handsome. Sure, she was definitely letting her more...intrusive thoughts win at the admission. It would've been unlike her to not recognize the sharper jawline and unique cat-like eyes—especially the cat eyes, considering she was a cat lover herself. His skin seemed rather dry, as if he hadn't stepped foot in a place of rest and comfort in quite a long time. The honeyed color of his skin seemed radiant in the sunlight, and she envied him every time. Her skin only seemed to burn under the light, reddening uncontrollably.

And finally, three, he had a larger sweet tooth than she did. Maybe he simply hadn't ever tried tanghulu before—at least then she could justify his appetite for five pieces and other local sweets when they'd made a stop at a village's market. Still, stomaching that many sweets would've caused her to pass out from the intense rush of sugar. She'd also noticed that whenever they'd stop to eat, he'd always pick a sweeter dish from the menu. Not to mention, his choice of tea always required a small amount of sugar.

Despite his rather cautious aura, he sure did enjoy sweets.

All of this only created an image of mystery in her head—she felt pity for his alertness. Seolyeon loved to relax and enjoy whatever came at her in life, and she simply couldn't fathom a reason to be so tense and alert at such a young age. Of course, Master Yunjin always scolded the girl for her aloof nature. Seolyeon simply couldn't help herself.

She slowly opened her eyes as the rocking came to a stop, and her head turned to the opening cloth as their escort spoke.

"Miss Seolyeon, Mister Jungwon, we'll be taking a break here for the night. Be back before the sun rests into the night, and beware. There are hunters for firebenders in the area," he spoke, making way for the two to exit the carriage.

Seolyeon looked at their escort in confusion. It would be rather easy to prove she wasn't one, especially when she could manipulate the air with no issue. The man must've noticed her raised eyebrow as he stopped to explain.

"Not you, Miss. Mister Jungwon here is a nonbender participating as a representative of nonbenders. His unwillingness to shift may spark panic, so I do hope you take caution as you make your way around and stick together," he spoke as he stored the makeshift stairs they had just descended.

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